🏫 Old School 2003 Memory Lane ☀️ Grade 9 High School Norte Dame In Carleton Place 🍁 Canada 🌴

2 months ago

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Healthy4Life 1987-2025
i got into a fight over a girl lol and got expelled was on only here for no longer then 2 months don't mind my all over the place speech lol excited that day i don't rehearse or plan what i am about to say all random thoughts scattered all over the place .
Notre dame high school Carleton place Ontario
It looks like you're referring to Notre Dame Catholic High School in Carleton Place, Ontario. This school is part of the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario and offers a range of programs from Kindergarten to Grade 122. They have a strong focus on Catholic education, social justice, and a variety of extracurricular activities.

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