Kenyans Struggle with Heroin Addiction as Global Trafficking Hits Local Market | Firstpost Africa

2 months ago

Kenyans Struggle with Heroin Addiction as Global Trafficking Hits Local Market | Firstpost Africa

Thousands of people in the East African nation of Kenya are struggling with drug addiction, especially heroin, a highly addictive substance that is now destroying their lives. Kenya was once a passing stop for the global drug smuggling trade, but it has now become a full-fledged market in itself. The addiction is rampant in the coastal regions of Lamu Island and Mombasa City. According to the United Nations, drug producers in southeast and southwest Asia use the East Africa route to smuggle drugs into the US and Europe due to ineffective border controls and lacking criminal justice systems in the region. Now, Kenya has more than 27,000 heroin addicts and global experts say the real figure could be higher.


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