Sabbath Message (Audio) for 07/10/47/120 - 07/12/2024

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Sabbath Message (Audio) for 07/10/47/120 - 07/12/2024

Sabbath  07/10/47/120
Dear Friends,
This is the First Sabbath of the Tenth Month. We are seeing the betrayal of our people now on an ongoing basis and the Globalists are working to undermine democracy everywhere in the world and particularly among the English-speaking peoples, but also Germany. Also South Korea has just declared martial law to deal with the threat from  North Korea, however this was overturned by the South Korean Parliament some time later.  The lackeys are open about it all now. The Globalists are working against our systems and defence everywhere. We have to clean our systems out and pass laws that punish politicians that undermine the defence of the nations and imprison politicians that do not enforce the laws of the nation and in protecting its borders. Also nations have to introduce the death penalty for politicians and bureaucrats that fail to protect the nation and in allowing dangerous medical products such as these vaccines we have recently endured. We have to imprison politicians that enabled these pseudo-vaccines over the COVID scam and others. We simply have to make it an offence for any politician to take any funds from any pharmaceutical or kindred corporation or system. We have to make it a capital offence for any minister or operative to take a bribe from any organisation over which they have responsibility. Our children are being mentally damaged and soon they will be beyond healing, if we do not act. We are seeing Muslims behead teachers and others who counter what they consider as modern Islamic doctrine. There are bollards all over Europe to prevent Islamists from driving cars into packed centres. Soon the people will be forced to place them in camps under armed guard and in the end deport them back to the Middle East. Also we have to enforce the drug controls of every nation. A drug dealer is a murderer and has to be executed. We have to introduce legislation to make it a capital offence. Not to control the region for which police are responsible is a crime of negligence at the least but often it is malfeasance. The Police have to be removed if they are not controlling their areas and imprisoned if they are being deliberately criminal in their duties. We simply have to get serious and clean up our political system and clean out this party system. It does not work. We need to vote in our captains of 10s, 50s, 100s, 500s and 1000s and divisional commanders in accordance with the Laws of God. 
We have been watching the US political system realign behind Trump and these same corrupt politicians are now moving in as though they are having a change of heart and are now supporting Trump.  Some are claiming that they will oppose the deportations and Holman's border security measures. Every one that refuses to obey the law must be incarcerated, and Guantanamo would be preferable to Leavenworth.    For us to survive we must act now or the NWO will take us over completely (No. 141D_4; 141D_4B; 141D_4C).
The Sabbath study today is Sons of Abraham: Ishmael (No. 212C).  We will study it as two parts of 45 minutes. This will deal with the Sons of Shem more or less in total. (No. 212B next). We will see the wars take off in the Middle East and we will understand what is happening. We are watching these pseudo-Muslims that have invaded the EU, US and BC now try to introduce laws that enforce pseudo-Islam and support their moves to undermine Western Democracy.   What they do not realise is that the NWO will seek to destroy them as well. The Messiah will be here in 2028 and then the entire system of the world will be taken back to the First Century religious system under Messiah and the Church at Becca established under the prophet Qasim and the Rashidun will totally eliminate this pseudo-Islam and restore the faith given to the apostles and prophets and the saints. The original faith of the Messiah will be restored to both the so-called Christian West and the so-called Muslim East.   By 2041, at the Second Reading of the Law, in the 14th year of the 121st Jubilee, there will not be a person on the planet not keeping the Law and the Testimony, and the Temple Calendar that flows from the Law of God.   All of Europe will be keeping the Feasts and the whole world will send its representatives to Jerusalem for Tabernacles each year for instructions.  God has given us this test and the time of the testing is almost over until 3027 when the Millennial test will be completed. In 2028 Christ will arrive for the Millennial system and enforce it. There will be no negotiation and no alternatives. If you wish to live into the Millennium, obey God and keep the Law and the Testimony, and the Calendar that comes from the Law.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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