Revolutionary Revivalists EP 30: Pursuing in Prayer

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Do you ever feel lost in the cycle of repetitive prayers or unanswered cries in your life as a believer walking through this journey of life? Whether that be for a loved one or for a simple situation at your job you wish could just get better? Well, I wanna let you know here today that God offers you hope; hope that is unwavering and unshaken even in the darkest of days! For in fact, in His word, God declares that when darkness is exposed to the light, no longer is it dark, but that which once was dark has the ability to shine brighter than the greatest depths here down below! But how is that light and truth are found? Through prayer, for one must never underestimate the power that breaks loose when man comes into relation to His heavenly Father up above! So if you wanna step in and commune with God today, see the wavering seas around you still, and find a peace that surpasses all understanding, why not start simply on your knees?! For God calls you today! With the Revolutionary Revivalists, Lil Leia and Abigail Faith at 8:30pm EST tonight, you will find secrets and key tools for how YOU can break through the heavens and see the Kingdom of God come! Buckle up, for the winds of heaven are ready to release 🔥🔥🔥 ~ Abigail & Leia

BardsFM and Resistance Chicks are proud to present the Revolutionary Revivalists! Wisdom and the POWER of God from the youth of BardsNation and the Resistance Chicks Family!
As we run this race in life, there is no guarantee that potholes and areas where sin and evil will always be closed off! On tonight's show, we will discuss how to divinely join with the Father in covering over those potholes that were set up to destroy and conquer us! It’s time we overthrow those lies and allow God to cover and renew us as we once again walk in perfect harmony with the Father! If you’re in need of renewal and hope once again, join us tonight as the Revolutionary Revivalists speak on these issues and pray that you will encounter the heart of the Father today! 🔥🔥🔥
Join us LIVE for The Revolutionary Revivalists' weekly program on Thursdays with hosts Abigail Petersen and Leia Lumba! Be sure to subscribe and follow their Rumble channel! RevolutionaryRevivalists

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