🍎 @ The Gym Doing Overhead Press 🍁 Building My Shoulders 💧 Healthy4Life💪

2 months ago

The overhead press, also known as the shoulder press, strict press or military press, is an upper-body weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight overhead while seated or standing. It is mainly used to develop the anterior deltoid muscles of the shoulder.[1] The standing version was once a component of the sport of Olympic weightlifting as part of the clean and press movement, but was removed in 1972 due to difficulties in judging proper technique.[2]

The lift is set up by taking either a barbell, a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells, and holding them at shoulder level. The weight is then pressed overhead.[3] While the exercise can be performed standing or seated, standing recruits more muscles as more balancing is required in order to support the lift.[4] Other variations of the exercise include the push press, a similar movement that involves an additional dipping motion in the legs to increase momentum.[1] An overhead press may also be performed unilaterally, with the lift being performed one handed; or in an alternating fashion with both hands holding a dumbbell or kettlebell, and then pressing with one arm and then the other.[5]
To perform a dumbbell press overhead, you need to1234:
Sit on a bench holding a dumbbell in one hand at shoulder level in the press position.
Press the weight overhead ensuring your arm is fully locked out.
Hold the weight above your head for a moment, and then lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height.
Exhale as you raise the weights above the head in a controlled motion.
Pause briefly at the top of the motion.
Inhale and return the dumbbells to the shoulders.
Before you start, brace your core and depress your scapula.
At the top of the dumbbell shoulder press, the dumbbells should be directly above your wrists, your wrists above your elbows, and your elbows above your shoulders.

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