Article 5144 Video - International Public Notice: Egregious Harm By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5144 Video - International Public Notice: Egregious Harm - Wednesday, December 4, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have reviewed the various ways and means by which "our" government has been usurped upon by Federal Employees operating in Breach of Trust and Contract. Both the British Territorial U.S. Citizens and the Roman Municipal citizens of the United States (Civil Service) have colluded against their employers, the State Citizens of this country--- directly--- since 1937.

The roots of this situation go back over 300 years and span continents. These crimes against us and our government are almost coincidental in that the same crimes have been applied to many other countries, too. While we have been misused and abused as unknowing cheap mercenaries, and other people have been our victims, the actual criminal masterminds, banks and corrupt military officers and corrupt politicians, have consistently evaded detection and punishment.

Crimes of personage and barratry have been central to the success of this scheme which has aimed at the establishment of a new and terrible form of government: Corporate Feudalism, in which faceless, soulless and largely unaccountable corporations would rule over living men, and for their own pleasure and profit, turn our lives into living hell.

This requires us to dissolve the corporations responsible for all this malfeasance and requires us to punish the men responsible for the existence of corporations which have been allowed to wage war for profit, governments which have supported this, and CEOs who have acted as undeclared privateers against the interests of their customers and employers.

These white collar criminals are criminals nonetheless, and their crimes have resulted in murder, mayhem, theft and misery on a scale that is unimaginable.

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