The Purpose of Pain

3 months ago

Okay, here is my attempt at my own lived wisdom to give back to this Community.

Do not believe, absolutely ever, in the lie that weed isn't a drug! It will absolutely destroy families like it did mine!

My mom was a weed addict (still is from what i understand).

Its painful to bring up all the examples and I've already went over it across Therapy back when therapy was kind of competently accessible to more people.


Things like

Lying and not paying rent
Stealing my stuff i have fun with with friends just to get the next high
Being overly negative and critical moodiness for like 3-5 day periods and parents fighting/arguing when/where i would t smell weed coming from their bedroom
Complete denialism of being addicted
The adoption of pretending as if the drug is later needed for pain management (they were already addicted and didn't care)
The mindset that everyone will use their addiction against them and they have to play it off
How everything centers around them getting high but you have to make pretend everything's normal

Don't believe those fucking drug-addicted homeless people, or ‘high’-functioning, ill call them compromised, functionalists. I have tons of stories about all these fights my mom would have with me over stealing money out of my drawer when i had a job and a friend slept over to go to the mall with, if wake up to her tip-toeing over us, into my drawer to steal the money and then shed send my dad after me when i stood up for myself! And my dad tried to pretend it was only her when he would smoke pot with the door to his room open. My step sister (elder) later smoked pot with both my parents while i was still a kid.

Id rather die than be a pothead, its so painful to me, to see it and be around it. If i had the money, id pay 10x to live somewhere where there's absolutely no drugs allowed, especially weed!

So yea, kinda like how Stef can't be tricked with single momdom.. i can't be tricked into thinking weed is ‘just cool way to past time’

Phluck off bigly.


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