Warning! Warning! Warning!

3 months ago

Warning! Warning! Warning! I have to tell you all why you should be TERRIFIED! The Mystery of God is that He became a man in the body of Jesus Christ. His identity is what the devil uses to cast doubt and create confusion. It's the identity of Jesus that is one of Satan's biggest lies! Even among so-called Christians!

If you do not believe that Jesus is God Himself manifest in the flesh, you are deceived! You should be very afraid! If you have any doubt about this, then you are listening to Satan! He is the deceiver and he has been using the same tricks for 6000 years! His first question to Eve was, “Hath God said?” If Satan is whispering in your ear, “Was Jesus really God?”, then you are a victim of his deception! You need to pray in the Name of Jesus for Satan to flee from you!

It is the Name of Jesus that has all power! Why? Because He is God's manifestation of Himself in the flesh! It's how He became a part of the physical realm of creation! If you do not believe this, you will die in your sin! This is what “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” means! It means to believe what God said. It means to believe that God became a man, and that man is Jesus Christ. If you doubt this, you should be TERRIFIED!

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved! You must believe to the salvation of the soul! You must believe the record that God gave of His Son, how that through Him, God became a man. This is the reason for everything, and His plan is to dwell among those who love Him, forever! Believe in Jesus and you can be a part of His great plan, you can be one of His people!

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