1 month ago


Cold-starturile sunt baza acestui canal... aproximativ. Respectiv, am făcut o biblioteca audio-vizuala cu diferite masini si cu sunetele pe care motorul si/sau evacuarea acestora le produc. De aceea te invit sa te uiti la playlistul creat in acest sens intitulat "COLD START" si de-asemenea daca iti place ceea ce fac, aboneaza-te. Precizez ca pornirile la rece sunt facute de-obicei in graba, neavand la dispozitie echipament profesional. Mai pe scurt, daca am avut la dispozitie un telefon, am filmat cu el. Cumva, parca asta e si esenta unui cold start, spontanietatea si nu pregatirea prealabila.

The main topic of this chanel are cold starts. I ve made a playlist where I put all my cold start related videos. So, if you want to see more cold starts of the most random cars, just subscribe and continue to watch!

Das Hauptthema dieses Kanals sind Kaltstarts. Ich habe eine Wiedergabeliste erstellt, in der ich alle meine Videos zum Thema Kaltstart abgelegt habe. Wenn Sie also mehr Kaltstarts der zufälligsten Autos sehen möchten, abonnieren Sie einfach und schauen Sie weiter!

In this video, you'll hear the cold start sound of an Opel/Vauxhall Astra 1.4 Petrol engine. When the engine is started in cold conditions, it often produces a distinctive sound as the components warm up and the fuel system gets going. The initial startup noise typically includes some light ticking or mechanical clattering, which gradually smoothens as the engine reaches its optimal temperature. This video captures the unique sound of the Opel/Vauxhall Astra during a cold start, providing a glimpse into how petrol engines behave in colder weather.

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