3 months ago

The main topic of this chanel are cold starts. I ve made a playlist where I put all my cold start related videos. So, if you want to see more cold starts of the most random cars, just subscribe and continue to watch!

Das Hauptthema dieses Kanals sind Kaltstarts. Ich habe eine Wiedergabeliste erstellt, in der ich alle meine Videos zum Thema Kaltstart abgelegt habe. Wenn Sie also mehr Kaltstarts der zufälligsten Autos sehen möchten, abonnieren Sie einfach und schauen Sie weiter!

A cold start on a Citroën diesel engine can produce a distinctive sound, especially in colder weather. The engine often starts with a deep, rumbling noise as the diesel fuel ignites, and the engine begins to warm up. This sound can vary depending on the model, but typically, it includes a series of loud clattering or knocking noises from the fuel injectors, which are a characteristic of diesel engines. As the engine warms up, the noise typically decreases and becomes smoother. In this #Shorts video, you’ll hear the unique sound of a Citroën diesel engine during its cold start, capturing the essence of how these engines behave in chilly conditions.

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