Baby Chicken Is A Dentist

6 years ago

How often do you visit your dentist? Let's be honest, probably not as much as we all should. It's very important to take care of our teeth, so going to the dentist often is a must! However, if you're like me, then that isn't really your favorite thing in the world. For some reason, I'm scared of going to the dentist. LOL! However, I still go because the teeth are very important. But, if my dentist was as adorable as the one in this video I would visit him every day. LOL! The boy in this video has the world's cutest dentist! Can you guess who his dentist is? It's a wonderful baby chicken! Awwww! What a precious sight! Wouldn't you love to have a dentist like this one? This boy is very lucky to have this precious baby chicken, and I have to say the chicken is very good at its job! LOL!

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