Gwen Caldwell’s Interview with Russell Jay Gould

2 months ago

*Note: Some of the notes below are from other interviews.

The Post Office is the HIGHEST Authority on our Planet with exception of Health and Safety.

Everyone on the planet – whether they know it or not – works for the Post Office.

The majority of the people birthed on this planet get what they call a Birth Certificate.

That birth certificate has a certified seal on it from the hospital.
That seal was bought by using the Countries currency.

The currency for that country is Authorized by that countries post office.

The doctor postmaster bank banker signs through the stamp and ships you into either vital statistics or department of health or some form of Government Agency.
This contract is transported through the mail.
So you just were SHIPPED for the very first time.

As you are shipped for the first time – you are not taught that you are in a shipping war – because we just shipped you.

As we ship you and as you progress through your life – you get drivers license which is a wonderful thing to have for public health, you get passports which is a wonderful thing to have for closure as we go from port to port.
What they don’t tell is the Department of Transportation for each Country is an authorization is a bill of the lading to be on the roads. {Bill of the lading is a document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo shipment.} So the roads themselves are held in an Escrow account by that Countries Post Office.

As you progress through life as a postal employee – not KNOWING that you are a postal employee you come up to your eventual consequence of death and they again take your Birth Certificate and the attorneys run it right into probate situation in which everybody signs the stamps and moves you and taxes your estate and puts stamps on that and files stamps from courts and from their corporations and signs those stamps and so on.

The point being is that you were SHIPPED from Cradle to Grave. You weren’t told that when your parents walked out of the hospital - “hey we’re going to be shipping you from point A to point B” but “we don’t even know it ourselves because we don’t know why we’re doing it or for that matter what we’re really doing.”

You need to learn how to be a Postal Employee and join the Post Office as a Post Master. You become a Freight Forwarder of the Goods or the Contract Tenders that come in and out of your life. (Contract Tenders are contracts that deal with goods and services.)

So by autographing the stamps and knowing the timelines – like if something comes to you and has Franking Stamps on it – do you know what Franking Stamps are? Franking stamps are metered stamps that typically come from Government Agencies. They will have a time on it and a date on it and they have been Pre-Paid by the Corporation to the Post Office and the post office is functioning as a shipping station to you. You have to lean how to REFUSE those once you become a Post Master. There are techniques that Russel-Jay Gould shows and teaches how to do. The main thing is that you do it in a timely manner. That’s the most important thing is the time and the capability to measure that time.

From cradle to grave we are a vessel in motion (whether we are conscious of it or not).

You have to know or become familiar with knowing how to clear yourself from custom houses and clearing houses. So you have to Clear yourself from these clearing houses or custom houses. This is what Russell-Jay : Gould is VERY GOOD at.

Any document in which you have a stamp on it – it must have your Autograph on it – you actually Autograph the stamps – this makes you a Post Master. *Do not autograph over the bar code because this is used in another Clearing House.

Labels are classified as Postage Stamps. So when you put a label with a shipping number on it – it is classified as a postage stamp. So you want to place your autograph across that label.

No one can tell you who you are. They can ask a thousand times for a different name but a different number – BUT – As long as you command control of your conscious thoughts and don’t traverse with that – you are who you say you are. That manifestation around you – the Universe HAS to give that back to you. It is Universal Law.

There is a world that folds and bends in what we call the Space Time Continuum (the four-dimensional continuum, having three spatial coordinates and one temporal coordinate, in which all physical quantities may be located) – Knowing how to position your contracts within that is VERY valuable according to what shows up in your location. You have to be careful for what you wish for or you just might get it. Have good clean thoughts towards on another and be honorable to others needs and help those who need help because we all need help, no one is perfect.

Income Tax: The first thing to do is to Syntax the documents – the paperwork that is being artiulated. You will discover that the grammar is incorrect. So what you would do is sue for the correct grammar to be used and send a Postal Money Order in to pay that. What happens is that the Governmental Agency will send the money back saying “You don’t Qualify.”

Here is what Russell says: “if a Nation is in Joinder (meaning they have a union or agreement) with the IMF – International Monetary Fund or the World Bank – because of that they are cognizant of my Global Tax Structure. So under Knowledge and Negligence of Title 42 – Stopping and Correcting of a Wrong you have that right as a Postal Employee of your venue.

Russel-Jay : Gould has been in more court cases than most – to say the least. He has been tortured and has been without food for over 70 days. He recommends paying taxes as they can be very harsh on you and it can be taxing in just battling them.

Russell-Jay : Gould is the Judge that disqualified the Supreme Court Judges on October 1, 2004.

“They took a Gold Filing from me 48 days before that – I walked into the US Supreme Court and disqualified them – all the Judges retired – Congress made 5 of them stay and 4 of them retired immediately - one was the head Judge – I called all 9 Judges to court 3 times. I had guards two steps above me screaming at me at the top of their lungs trying to get me to talk to them, I had the Flag above my head waving and I was going through the downloads of calling all the Justices to Court and at 09:23 I called for the Custom House Brokers because the Fees had been paid for the Bills of the Lading for the transportation of the vessels into the Foreign Vessel.

Everybody jumped on my plane and said Judge Gould were here – would you like to come in the building and I said I no longer need the building for there are no longer any Judges in it and their jaws dropped – literally. Everybody’s jaws dropped and they signed off on my stamps and I walked around the Clerks office and filed everything correct and they still tried to trick me there – they tried to put September 31 – well there is no such date as September 31st on my paperwork so I had to stop and correct them there.

How do you know when a Judicial System is lying to you? When their hands are moving and their lips are moving. The whole thing is a scam – from A to Z. And that’s when I moved into my Military Court Marshaling of George-Walker : Bush – all his staff and a lot of Admirals and Generals.” This is actually what Russell-Jay : Gould did. This is a secret that almost Nobody knows. This is the truth.

Russell-Jay:Gould says “It’s an honor to serve and I need the people to contact me so I can help them in their contractual grammar and their postage from point A to point B.”

David-Wynn: Miller the man who helped Russell-Jay: Gould with Syntax.

Russell-Jay:Gould – Quote: “I’d rather DIE than to have to live in a lie.”

Russell-Jay:Gould – Quote: “I’m a wonderful and righteous person and a good leader.”

Russell-Jay: Gould – Quote: RE: The corrupt and evil taking over the world. “People are WAKING up and as they wake up they make choices. The choices they make allow Governments to exist because governments exist because we the people allow. It is a NUMBERS game – there is more of us than there are of them. We have to keep this in mind.

Russell-Jay:Gould – Quote regarding the Rothchild’s abolishing the Post Master General. “The nice thing for me is that I am a registered Commander and Chief because I conducted a Military Court Marshaling of George-Walker:Bush and I’ve syntaxed all those executive orders for false and misleading statements and the Pentagon leased the Flag from me on February 20th, 2003. The Secretary of Navy’s Office entered into a lease agreement with the Flags with David and myself - me as Commander and Chief and Post Master General and Treasurer of the Contract. I then filed those contracts with NATO under Muster-Roll. So first of all – it is written in Adverb-Verb and second it is not Applicable because I am a registered Commander and Chief with Commander and Chief skills.



1. John Hovan --

2. :Russell-Jay: Gould Email --

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END. 12/12/2024 6:00 PM

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