David Goldberg's Final Words

3 months ago

David Goldberg's Final Words

I had posted this on my old account that has been banished and is no longer accessible and the content cannot be shared. David Bruce Goldberg was an America management consultany and businessman. He was the founder of LAUNCH Meida, the CEO of SurveryMonkey and he was married to Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook.

I did not know much about the man but when I had posted this it generated a lot of discussion. He directly addresses Trump and the plan to crown him as King of Israel. My position in politics is extremely critical of everyone. I have no loyalties, I do not have faith in any of our leaders. I judge him just as much as anybody else. I will always fee that he was the best choice for our last election.

He has strengthened our second amendment and made a point to publically show that. In my opinion, I do feel that he is encouraging each of us to arm ourselves and be ready for whatever is coming. I do not think any of them are our saviors. They are limited, they can only do so much. Our enemy are masters of deception. Their entire bloodline flows with deception. I think it is up to us. We need to take the power back.

This man speaks about the extermination plans for millions of Americans through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. I know very little about them. Project Pogo is about the YouTube gatekeepers. They monitor things such as likes and comments, and they are tracking behaviors. Tagging people for extermination. Anti-semitic speech. What do you think X is being used for now? They are databasing us.

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