Cold Leftovers While Waiting Patiently for the Next Crisis | Ep 351

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Wednesday | 20:05 | Furey’s Headspace

Assassinations, folks, the new American trend. Whether it's your spirit, your body, or just your character, it seems like assassination is the next "hot thing" in politics. And don't forget pardoning Chinese spies while prosecuting those cute Russian ones. 10 points for the big guy, and a dollop of French vanilla from that spot he visited in 2014.

The undeclared war Britain and America are waging against Russia? Now, per Tsar Putin himself, it's gone global. What does this mean for your spring break?

The alien invasion date came and went. Someone check on your QAnon grandma; she’s not well. Libertarians and conservatives are using Twitter to troll Trump's nominations, engaging in a political slut-shaming effort to keep the proper cucks out of jobs, which they most definitely—probably—should have.

Welcome to Season 4 of eating leftovers at 1 AM with your pants off. "But damn, do those pickles look hella good."

He who would pardon would also pick a pocket. After Biden's pardon of Hunter Biden, calls for blanket pardons are raising questions, freaking out members of the foreign Democratic Interests Party. But remember, "no one is above the law."

Erdogan's becoming increasingly unhinged with his Holy War rhetoric. Welcome to your life.

Europe's governments are collapsing, and political alliances are failing. The French government has officially crumbled, while German parliamentary alliances have become hostile and divided. Meanwhile, in Georgia, it's like an Antifa-style fireworks and firehose standoff in the capital.

South Korea's parliament seems to be out of the loop in a vote gone awry. The President suspects NPRK foul play and collaboration. Southeast Asia might be in for a scary ride.

So here we are, in a world where political intrigue is the main course, served with a side of international chaos and a dash of conspiracy. Enjoy your meal, folks; it's getting colder by the minute.

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