Beavers And Butt-Head i am crazy for sure

3 months ago

we're hanging
out with those
Common Sense
News guys again
Yeah Butt-Head
they’re Cool
Super cool Man
Yeah, yeah
Let's check out
the show
Wow, this chick
looks wasted!
She looks like
one of those
wine moms
you hear about
I guess
kicking her
butt drove
her to
the bottle
Uh, no
you Numskull
She was
a drunk
long before
I guess
her and
that soy boy
husband of hers
can down miasmas
all day now
Wow, Beavis
looks like old
LeBron was
getting baby
oil up
the bohh
at those
Diddy freak
off parties
Yeah, butt-head.
He used to
be LeBron
But now he's
just Le BETA

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