Putin Exposes WEF's $45 Billion Bounty on Donald Trump's Head

3 months ago

Putin Exposes WEF's $45 Billion Bounty on Donald Trump's Head

This is a Publication UNDER the Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2.

So, if “Biden” was President… why wouldn’t the NDAA’s from 2021, 2022 and 2023 have the appropriations? 

Perhaps because the United States Constitution was suspended via Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2 and were in a Military Government, Occupation, Continuity of Operations and Government?

Does that not say Contingency Plan Guidance for CONTINUITY of essential operations?

The irony… a Continuity of Operations and Government has 8 National ESSENTIAL Functions.

See that Green Box?

👉🏻 2,074,000 soldiers.

There’s only 1.3 million Active-Duty.

👉🏻 Executive Order 13912, March 27, 2020, where President Trump Federalized up to 1 Million Reserves to Active-Duty…

Notice that first line under Military Personnel?

👉🏻 Reserve Component Personnel on FEDERAL active duty will CONTINUE to report for duty and carry out assigned duties.

Notice the Blue Arrow? 

👉🏻 Continuity of Government and Continuity of Operations

Now apply the recent Department of Defense Directives issued in June and September 2024.

September 27, 2024, DoDD 5240.01, implements Title 50 and Executive Order 12333.

Title 50 = War and National Defense

Chapter 33 = War Powers Act of 1973

Section §1550 = Last and most recent Amendment to the Chapter on December 20, 2019.

Says, in the first 180-days and every 180-days after, President reports to Defense Committees.

First 180-days = Executive Order 13912, 13913, and 13919.

13913 ties into EO 12333 

12333 is about Assassinations which is also referenced in recent Supreme Court filing by Pres. Trump, March 19, 2024, which is about assassinations… 

March is before July in case you forgot.

June 4, 2024, DoDD 3020.26 is the DoD CONTINUITY Policy.

Outlines EO 13961, Federal Mission Resilience Strategy, signed into Law, December 7, 2020.

Outlines the most RECENT Order of Succession is CURRENTLY set forth in EO 13963.

If “Biden” was President, how come he does not have a SINGLE Order of Succession for ANY Department for 4 years?

EO 13963 = December 10, 2020.

The last time the State.gov site was updated with any travel by President, Sec of State, and Foreign Leaders to U.S., was December 2020.

Is that why DoDD 3020.04, reissued April 18, 2024, outlines:

(1) For every office within the Department to which appointment is required to be made by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate (PAS office) for which there is a Principal Deputy to the PAS office, the Principal Deputy shall be the First Assistant for the purposes of Reference (b).   

Executive Order 13963 is the MOST recent appointments made by a President…

Now let’s look at Letter (k) in DoDD 5240.01 from September 2024 again:

k. The Defense Intelligence Components will only conduct, or provide support for the conduct of, covert activities: 

(1) In times of war declared by Congress; 

(2) During a period covered by a report from the President to Congress in accordance with Public Law 93-148; or 

(3) When such actions have been approved by the President and directed by the Secretary of Defense.  

Public Law 93-148 = War Powers Act of 1973

The LAST Amendment to it:

Title 50 Chapter 33 Section §1550 on December 20, 2019.

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