This Poncho Protects You From EVERYTHING!

3 months ago

The video showcases the NOAA Poncho System Kit's features and enhancements, highlighting its full-spectrum mitigation capabilities and improvements in the builder's kit.
Speaker explains the NOAA poncho's features and its ability to mitigate against various sensors.
it becomes a little mini-CP if you wanted to. When I say full-spectrum mitigation, what I'm talking about is this right here. We, we mitigate against ultraviolet sensors, Near-infrared, which is image intensifier, I-squared tubes for night vision goggles, short-wave infrared, uh, thermal and radar, radar scattering and radar, uh, transparent.
Speaker discusses the poncho's weight, modular design, and improvements to the builder's kit, including tactical toggles and camouflage features.
We also have, and Marines are starting to get of, uh, interest, is the poncho, which is also full-structure mitigation, and this year we've also made improvements to the builder's kit. The poncho weighs about threeandahalf pounds. The billiards kit's about 4 pounds. And so what it allows you to do is, all of our stuff is modular. The old cans, we use a becalation system.

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