South Park The End of Obesity DVD is $60.... WHY???

3 months ago

I look forward to two special home video releases: the DC animated offerings throughout the year and the South Park special event videos. Usually, my DC blu-rays are $22.99 at Walmart the South Park offerings range from $9.99 up to about $17.99.

When I saw that "The End of Obesity" was available for home release, I was excited... until I saw the price tag: $60. At first, I thought it had to be an error, so I checked with a price checker, which also said $60. With that I thought ok, this is a store wide error. Then I went to another Walmart and saw the exact same pricing, which leads me to a question:


It doesn't follow standard, it doesn't follow normal movie release pricing ($20 dvd, $25 bluray, $30 4K) - it just makes no sense! You can buy 20 seasons of this show for $100 but one 50 minute episode is $60??

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