IWG Challenge Coming Soon

2 months ago

Hello and welcome to today's show.
Today I'm going to show you four spiritual keys how to unlock the spiritual realm for you.
Now I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of religious jargin that just doesn't work, it doesn't get us anything, it just doesn't bring us results and it's just like a form kind of thing that we go through in our lives and it doesn't bring us any positive results.
So what I'm going to do, I'm going to give you a sure foundation and I'm going to do a challenge over four days.
I initially decided only three days, but then I realized there's so much that I need to share with you that I decided to give you a fourth day, a bonus day!
Where we are also going to look at perceptions, because you and I have perceptions of certain things and we don't always have realistic expectations in these perceptions.
One of the perceptions that we will deal with in day four is occupational perceptions.
In other words, territory that you need to take to move forward in your life, in your business, whatever.
Day 1
On day one, I am going to show you how to visit with God, how to really get to know God's voice because I realized when I started on this journey many years ago, that I didn't know even that God was speaking to me. Someone shared something with me and from my personal experience, I'm going to share with you how I'm using journaling to communicate with God.
I'm going to share these principles with you and it's really going to help you.

Day 2
On day two we're going to look at who is really in charge of the world. And I can promise you, it might not be who you think it is.
And just to give you a clue, I'm going to share this one Bible verse with you and it says, "The heavens belong to the Lord but the Lord put the children of men in charge of the earth."
I'm not going to say anything more but that's supposed to give you a clue.

Day 3
And then on day three, we're going to look why don't we see our desires become reality right away.
Just like with the perceptions, there are certain principles that we're supposed to apply and that we don't know how to apply.
So that's what I'm going to share with you on day three and like I said day four, we're going to look at perceptions.
Now I'm going to release the date for this challenge very soon, so please come back and get registered, be part of this challenge because it's really going to help you.
It's going to change the course of your life tremendously and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the challenge!

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