BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 12/5/2024 Dave Gahary & Architect Richard Gage

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9am Dave Gahary
David Gahary is the principle officer of Wrongs without Wremedies LLC, which publishes as Moon Rock Books. The company currently markets 12 books, each bearing a provocative title along the lines of; “JFK Who How and Why,” “The Parkland Puzzle How the Pieces Fit Together,” and “America Nuked on 911.”

10am Richard Gage
San Francisco Bay area architect Richard Gage, AIA, member of the American Institute of Architects and founder & former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He now leads the charge for a new World Trade Center investigation along with his courageous wife Gail at Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11. The organization he founded, AE911Truth, now numbers more than 3,600 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Center high-rise buildings on 9/11.

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Dave Gahary, Richard Gage

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