BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 12/5/2024 Dave Gahary & Architect Richard Gage

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9am Dave Gahary
David Gahary is the principle officer of Wrongs without Wremedies LLC, which publishes as Moon Rock Books. The company currently markets 12 books, each bearing a provocative title along the lines of; “JFK Who How and Why,” “The Parkland Puzzle How the Pieces Fit Together,” and “America Nuked on 911.”

10am Richard Gage - discusses Ben Gurion Canal
San Francisco Bay area architect Richard Gage, AIA, member of the American Institute of Architects and founder & former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He now leads the charge for a new World Trade Center investigation along with his courageous wife Gail at Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11. The organization he founded, AE911Truth, now numbers more than 3,600 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Center high-rise buildings on 9/11.

Watch on BNN:



Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Dave Gahary, Richard Gage

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