Mike Ferguson in the Morning | 12-05-24 | S. Matthews | T. Jones | J. Mann | B. Eigel

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GUEST LINEUP (subject to change)

5:35-(replay) Stacey Matthews (aka Sister Toljah) from RedState looks at the lies on CNN, including their efforts to justify Hunter's pardon because Trump has firing squads...or something like that.  

6:35-afternoon co-host Tim Jones (with Chris Arps 4pm-6pm) is in Washington, DC at the ALEC conference. He'll update us on political items as we sit 46 days from Inauguration Day.

7:05-Josh Mann from the Herzog Foundation on various educational issues.  

7:35-MO Sen. Bill Eigel looks at lawmakers pre-filing bills in Jeff City and he looks ahead to the next Legislative session starting on Wed/Jan. 8. 

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