God's Plan for the Planet

3 months ago

God's Plan for the Planet

Heaven is God’s Domain
The perfect will of God is not always done on earth as it is in heaven unless we pray for and enforce it.

Earth is Man’s Domain
The world does not reflect the will or the government of God. The world reflects the will and government of man!

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God said, “Let Us make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.”
God owns the world and everything in it. The earth is the Lord's and all souls are His.
Man has been made a manager of planet earth with specific conditions attached to it!

In order for God to get involved in the earth, man must initiate Divine intervention though his petitions and direct requests.
God will stand at the door of our hearts and knock until someone invites Him in.
No spiritual being has any legal right on planet earth without the cooperation of a human being.

God's original intention is that earth would be a colony, or extension of heaven, ruled by people who are ruled by God.
Your influence on earth is God's influence in the world when He is the King of your heart.
Your resources and financial capacity is at God's disposal when He is the King of your heart!
Your leadership and authority on earth is God's leadership and reign on earth when He is the King of your heart!

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Do you love God?
Do you obey God?

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