Turn Your Expertise Into a High-Profit, Low-Overhead Online Business with Patricia Wooster

2 months ago

Episode 108: Grab the Ultimate Ad Script right HERE - https://join.digitaltrailblazer.com/ultimate-ad-script

It’s easy for online business owners to over-complicate things, and when things get over-complicated, you move slower, you’re less profitable, and you have less time freedom.

Sometimes things get overcomplicated because you’re new and don’t know what you’re doing. Other times, it happens to experienced entrepreneurs and it happened because your business simply grew in an unplanned way and became complicated in the process.

In this episode, Patricia Wooster draws upon her years of experience, building multiple businesses, to give us the blueprint for a high-profit, low-overhead online business. Learn how to take your expertise and package it into a profitable online business without having to hire and manage a big team of employees or get mired in tech-heavy systems that slow you down.

About Patricia Wooster: Patricia is a former software executive turned founder of WoosterMedia Publishing and Mindset To Millions, where they help experts, leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs codify their wisdom and leverage their expertise into books, digital courses, workshops, speeches, consulting, and media opportunities so they can build brand awareness and reach a global audience.

She is the author of 19 books, including the award-winning and bestselling "Ignite Your Spark" with Simon & Schuster, and three entrepreneur co-author books with Wendi Blum Weiss.

Her experience includes working with companies and organizations like Disney, Home Shopping Network, WeDay, Informix Software, Designing Genius, and KPMG, as well as start-up entrepreneurs and influencers.

Today, she is partnered with Wendi Blum Weiss to teach entrepreneurs how to successfully brand themselves as bestselling authors, speakers, and experts in their field. As creators of the Unleash Expert Academy, they teach entrepreneurs how to create clarity and confidence around their personal brand and core strengths while building a strong foundation of assets that create credibility and amazing opportunities.

Want to SCALE your online business bigger and faster without the endless hustle of networking, referrals, and pumping out content that nobody sees?

Grab our Ultimate Ad Script for Coaches, Agencies, and Course Creators.

Learn the exact 5-step script we teach our clients that allows them to generate targeted, high-quality leads at ultra-low cost, so you can land paying customers and clients without breaking the bank on ad spend.

Grab the Ultimate Ad Script right HERE - https://join.digitaltrailblazer.com/ultimate-ad-script

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