C21/Bluewater chitshow - Exposed - The show is over Christian21

2 months ago

C21/Bluewater chitshow - the two most negative and deceptive individuals on the Internet (Language)

( Note: Be careful who you follow. I initially liked C21, but clearly he has mental issues going on. Unfortunately his negative spiral and his obsession will open him up to demonic attack or maybe a nervous breakdown. Probably already demonically controlled because they invert the truth and PROJECT the hatred of themselves onto their supposed enemy. Now you know why Linda Paris distanced herself from C21 and Bluewater. Not sure where the fake Bluewater BuyMeACoffee scheme money went. I don’t want to be mean to C21 posting this update, but I still feel obligated to update the situation since I have mirrored some of Bluewater/C21 material in the past. Probably best C21 stays separated from his children. I pray for the children, but both Bluewater and C21 seem to be on the path of self-destruction. Where is there any redeeming qualities whatsoever for so much division and negativity? They’re anti-God/Christianity bias has caught up to them. Marcum)

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