Its Time Whompppp

3 months ago

There is credible evidence that Nancy Pelosi had Brian Thompson killed to hide her potentially illegal activity with Palo Alto Networks (one of the companies tasked with investigating a cybersecurity breach at UnitedHealth)

What are the chances Nancy Pelosi purchased $250,000 of Palo Alto Networks on the same day there was a cybersecurity breach at United Healthcare?

Then she makes big money when that is one of the companies tasked with investigating what happened.

Then the person who would be able to expose her likely criminal activity was assassinated outside his hotel today. What a coincidence! Right before the Trump DOJ would have a chance to investigate everything.
Whomp Whomp Whomp Whompppp

Every day that passes, there’s another piece of VALIDATION for the DASH.

CURRENT and INVOKED Laws and Orders…

That for some reason just keeps being issued and continued…

That MORE THAN CLEARLY outlines a…

Military Government
Military Occupation
Continuity of Operations
Continuity of Government


Executive Orders
National Emergencies
Title 10 invoked
Title 14 invoked
Title 32 invoked
Title 50 invoked
Special Operations Publications
Military Publications
Federal Continuity Directives
Department of Defense Directives

And again…

Is that why the most recent Executive Orders in recent DoD Directives and Instructions are from 2020?

Is that why every other President had Order of Successions in Federal and Defense Departments, but “Joe Biden” does not have ONE SINGLE Executive Order with an Order of Succession?

I repeat, the MOST RECENT Order of Succession in 2024 DoD Directives is Executive Order 13963.

EO 13963 = December 10, 2020.

And why are 99.9% of them on National Guard Bases? And County, Regional, Municipal, and International Airports without National Guards attachments?

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