🔴 Powell Knows the Public Can’t Handle the Truth - Ep 996

2 months ago

Discussion on US comments, import/export dynamics, reserve currency, major exports, economic data trends, and constitutional aspects of the exit tax.

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Peter Schiff addresses comments from his previous podcast about America's imports and elaborates on the nation's dependency on them. He explains the significant trade deficit and America's reliance on the dollar's reserve currency status, which allows for importing more than exporting. Schiff also provides insights into the economic repercussions of this imbalance, highlighting the country's major exports. The podcast discusses the federal financial burden, economic data releases, and the consequences of high interest rates on national debt. Schiff finishes with commentary on current events, including Biden's pardon of Hunter and Roger Ver's tax evasion case challenging the constitutionality of the exit tax.

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00:00 Introduction and Addressing Comments
02:10 America's Import and Export Dynamics
03:39 Top 10 American Exports
17:02 Economic Data and Market Reactions
27:08 Interview with Jerome Powell
36:14 The Debt Bubble and Interest Rates
38:27 Promotions and Announcements
42:06 Biden's Pardon of Hunter
44:48 Fraud and Legal Battles
51:10 Roger Ver and the Exit Tax
01:04:14 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

#JPowell #Fed #Economy

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