Is Mass Immigration to Canada a DEI Scam? | A Critical Compass Clip

3 months ago

Is the Canadian government's insistence on the rapid immigration of low-skilled migrants from very particular parts of the world (notably ones who in many cases have diametrically opposed customs and lifestyles from those most typical of the West) setting those immigrants up for failure in the Justin Trudeau Liberal's seemingly endless quest to hit each and every UN SDG ("Sustainable Development Goals") / WEF 2030 goal? Does Canada even have an identifiable culture left in which to integrate? Or is the notion now considered racist? How do we account for disparate outcomes of various racial and cultural demographics even with the existence of pervasive DEI programs through all levels of our government, corporate, and social insitutions? Mike and James discuss...

Referenced in video at around 6m mark: Dr. Ralph Schoellhammer on whether we will ever have integrated, multicultural, liberal societies, or just more and more fractured parallel societies living amongst one another: (1:13:47 - 1:16:40)


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