Article 5137 Video - Why You Need Us and We Need You - Sunday, December 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5137 Video - Why You Need Us and We Need You - Sunday, December 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The only purpose of a legitimate government is to protect the people and their assets.

That's it. One job, really.

As you have learned by now, what you mistook for your government was actually a swarm of government subcontractors that snuck through the backdoor after the so-called Civil War and proliferated for decades under False Pretenses.

These jokers have operated under color of law the entire time.

They have never actually been your government. They have been commercial corporations and they have also organized as municipal corporations, but at the end of the day, they are not and never were and cannot be sovereign and independent entities.

No, in fact, with respect to you, Americans, French, German, Italian, British, Canadian, Aussie, Japanese..... (the list goes on), these purported service organizations are corporations like General Motors, Incorporated or Raytheon, Inc., or EXXON.

Even their departments and agencies are just separate corporations: the Department of Justice, Inc., the State of Texas, Inc., FEMA, Inc., and so on.

And they are all run amok.

Subject to the world of corporate buy-outs and mergers, asset stripping and bankruptcies, hostile take-over bids, and short selling, these "governmental services corporations" have been bought and sold and their policies have zigged and zagged all over the map as their CEO's and Boards of Directors have come and gone --- and without you ever knowing this --- these unelected persons running these corporations have honored the Constitutional contracts or not, have been run by communists (frankists, fascists, etc.) or not --- and many of these institutions haven't been operated by Americans at all.

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