Atomic Biscuits - 20241124 - Setting The Table

3 months ago

As we move into the holidays. We should stop and consider for a moment how we got here. As the old saying goes, we stand upon the shoulders of giants...and those are the members of our family who came before us, who strove to build a better life for themselves and their progeny, a people who lived through hard times and brutal conditions, who fought wars and defended their land and way of life, who made peace with the world around them to confidently deliver a brighter future. In this season of thanksgiving where we pause for a moment to give thank to God for the blessings we enjoy, we should be sure to include the freedom of expression, the freedom to worship, the freedom to love and live with our families peaceably in the communities we choose...and we should pray for more freedom from the ever-encroaching cradle-to-grave plan of evil men who would take our effort and set us shackled as slaves.
One way that we can show our gratitude is by sharing the knowledge we have...and we do that...right here, every our communities, and in our homes. We share the breakthroughs and the cautionary tales, the details of things they'd rather stay hidden, the natural laws of balance and peace. With the warhorses hooves thundering about, while the globalists work to destabilize and monetize, we will continue to seek solutions that remove the unfathomable zillions from the clutches of those hell-bent on destruction, into provoking a nuclear Armageddon to force God's hand.
It won't work.
It never works.

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