House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti / Massimo)

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House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti / Massimo)

It is my understanding that the Breakspear family control’s China, Russia and possibly India. After they lost their empire to the Orsini’s during the Spanish Inquisition it too 400 years for them to crumble and in the 1880’s after the breaking of the spear ritual giving the spear of destiny to the Orsini family, they moved to China to setup another empire. The Breakspear’s control BRICS which competes directly against the Orsini’s Federal Reserve. The war going on in the world is because of these two families who are competing to be the one family under the antichrist.

The Breakspear family are an English black nobility clan that originated in Italy and took their name from the Lancellotti family. Lance means spear and the Italian word rotti means to break. Lancerotti is another Italian variation of the more commonly used Lancellotti family name. The Breakspear family produced the only English pope in history who was Pope Adrian IV or Nicolas Breakspear. Pope Adrian IV issued the papal bull Laudabiliter ordering the Normans of England to invade Ireland which they did and bring it under Papal-Roman authority which they also did. This is why Ireland is predominantly Roman Catholic today. Cardinal Boso Breakspeare was a relative of Pope Adrian IV and was both Italian and English. The musician Cindy Breakspeare fathered Damian Marley with Bob Marley. Like lance-llotti and break-spear the Italian Maggi family used spears on their coat of arms.

Breakspear or Lancellotti is also where the character of Lancelot comes from in the Legend of Arthur. Prince William Windsor's middle name is Arthur and he is likely to be next in line to the throne. The House of Maggi were a nobility from the commune in Brescia Italy right next door to the commune of Merlino all within the province of Lombardy. Magi or Maggi both mean a magician or wizard just as Merlin like Merlino was a wizard in the Arthurian legend. The Maggi family settled in Switzerland and became wealthy after Julius Maggi merged his Maggi soup and seasonings company with Nestle. The Maggi family also settled in Brazil establishing the Amaggi Soybean Group owned by Blairo Maggi who is worth about 960 million. These Illuminati bloodlines are ancient and they go back for thousands of years. The Maggi family likely go back to Persia and India and derive their name from Majhi and Maji. Magi are also the term used for followers of Zoroastrianism which derived from Persia and Iran.

Maggio Cipriani is a Venetian international businessman that owns restaurants and bars including in New York City. Maggio Cipriani's family are white collar mobsters with his father Giuseppe and grandfather Arrigo arrested for tax evasion in the United States. In the Book of Matthew myrrh pronounced like "mer" is an herb that was given as a gift by the three magi or three wise men. Herbs and chemicals are used in sorcery for inducing trance like states that enable mind control or bewitchment. Myrrh can also be ingested or used like an incense and is likely being added into food and wine covertly to enhance their witchcraft. Druids similar to wizards used holly wood. Mark Breakspear is a Hollywood special effects designer and Michael Breakspear is an Australian neuroscientist who specializes in studying oscillating wave patters and their effects on the brain. They are sorcerers involved with illusions, deceptions, and lawlessly imposing electronic induced brainwashing and mind control frequencies. The Breakspear family in London own a crematorium as well where the Breakspears and Massimos of Roccasecca which live in London make human sacrifices. The Lancellotti family of Italy merged a branch with the Massimo family with current members that include Prince Ludovisi Massimo-Lancellotti, Prince Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti as the head of this family today.

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Maggio Cipriani is an international businessman involved in clubs, restaurants, and hotels. The Ciprianis are from Venice, Italy and they own Harry's Bar in Venice and purchased the Rainbow Room in New York from the Rockefellers and later sold it.

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Arrigo Cipriani and his son Giuseppe Cipriani with Maggio and Ignazio on the outside. Arrigo and his son Giuseppe were convicted of money laundering in the United States and they used private bank accounts in Luxembourg where their company is headquartered. The Cipriani family are part owners of the Venetian Mafia.

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Blairo Maggi

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Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti, Prince Gelasio Gaetani-Lovatelli, and Enzo Salviati

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Joey Merlino the boss of the Philly Mob in the City of Brotherly Love. The Philly Mob are all involved in faggotry and molesting little boys. The Gaetani-Lovatelli family are owners of the Philly Mob with Lovatelli like City of Brotherly Love which refers to homosexuality.

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Michael Lancellotti on the left is a high level boss of the Philly Mob. Mike Lancellotti is a pedophile. Mike Lancellotti needs a bullet to his head.

Michael “Mikey Lance” Lancelotti is a capo in the Philadelphia Crime Family. He has managed to avoid attention while ducking indictments and never being sentenced to long prison terms. 

Falsely arrested in Borgata gambling bust. Was never charged.

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Meek Mill with Joey Merlino and Meek Mill looks like he was just bent over by Merlino.

In his article "House of Magicians", the denouncer with the pseudonym Ahuwah Zeus explains that the Breakspear-Lancellotti-Maggi are magicians and brujos, liars and highly qualified manipulators who work as architects of illusions and are involved in Hollywood and the psychology of the masses. The English family Breakspear is part of an Illuminati clan that originated in Italy, and that took its name from the Lancellotti family. Lance means Lanza and Rotti means Wheel. Lancerotti is another Italian variation of the surname Lancellotti most commonly used. The Lancellotti family has branches from southern Italy with the Lanza family from Sicily and the Lancellotti family from Campania, which later merged with the Massimo family from Rome. The Breakspear family in London has a crematorium and is working with the Massimo de Roccasecca family, who moved to London. The Lancellotti family of Italy merged a family branch with the Massimo family. El Príncipe Ludovico Massimo-Lancellotti and el Príncipe Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti are members of this family together with el Príncipe Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti as el jefe de este linaje y el principal arquitecto de illusiones.

The Breakspear family produced the only English pope in history, Pope Adrian IV or Nicolas Breakspear. Pope Adrian IV issued the papal bull Laudabiliter ordering the Normans in England to invade Ireland, which they did, and to place it under Papal-Roman authority, which they also did. This is why Ireland is predominantly Roman Catholic today. Pope Adrian IV crowned Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I and executed priest Arnold of Brescia for opposing the authority of the Roman Pope. Cardinal Boso Breakspeare was a relative of Pope Adrian IV and was Italian and English. There is still a Breakspear family in England today. Artist Cindy Breakspeare fathered Damian Marley with Bob Marley. Many famous actors and musicians are related to nobility. This is why they were allowed to become famous.

Breakspear or Lancellotti is also where the character of Lancelot in the Legend of Arthur comes from. The House of Maggi was a nobility from the commune of Brescia, Italy, right next to the commune of Merlino, all within the province of Lodi and the region of Lombardy. Joey Merlino is the boss of the Philadelphia mafia today and was probably related to the Maggi or Melzi families.

The Melzi family ruled as the Dukes of Lodi with Benigno Melzi d’Eril, the 8th Duke of Lodi and the 17th Count of Magenta as the current boss of this family. Franceso Melzi d’Eril is an Italian film producer with many connections in Hollywood.

Witchcraft is all about deception. Mafia bosses are highly skilled liars and manipulators. Magi or Maggi means wizard or sorcerer, just like Merlin was a wizard in Arthurian legend. The Maggi family from Brescia settled in Switzerland and became wealthy after Julius Maggi merged his Maggi condiment and soup company with Nestle.

The Maggi family also settled in Brazil, establishing the Amaggi Soy Group owned by Blairo Maggi which is worth around 960 million. These Illuminati bloodlines are ancient and go back thousands of years. The Maggi family likely goes back to Persia and India and gets their name from Majhi and Maji. Magi is the term used for followers of Zoroastrianism who derived from Persia and Iran.

Vallemaggia is an Italian speaking canton in Ticino, Switzerland near the Italian border with Maggia as a municipal district. The Magi family is the continuation of the Magia family from ancient Rome who likely settled in Switzerland during the fall of the Roman Empire.

In the Book of Matthew myrrh pronounced like "mer" is an herb that was given as a gift by the three magi or three wise men. Herbs and chemicals are used in sorcery for inducing trance like states that enable mind control or bewitchment. Myrrh can also be ingested or used like an incense and is likely being added into food and wine covertly to enhance their witchcraft. Druids similar to wizards used holly wood and Merlin is depicted as a Druid. Mark Breakspear is a Hollywood special effects designer and Michael Breakspear is an Australian neuroscientist who specializes in studying oscillating wave patters and their effects on the brain. They are sorcerers. Sorcery is all about deception and manipulation and criminals use sorcery as a defensive tool. The Breakspear family in London own a crematorium which is involved with human sacrifices and destroying evidence of human remains. Prince Stefano Massimo has a residence in London and he is working with the Breakspear family. The Lancellotti family of Italy merged a branch with the Massimo family and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti II is the head of this family branch today.

KHAZARIAN MAFIA is the Most Ruthless Enemy of Humanity. Khazarians were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, rapists, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety with, at the head, their ruler King Bulan who selected Torah Judaism as Khazaria’s official religion. King Bulan and his top staff were inducted into the Black Arts and Black Magic of Babylonian Talmudism, better known as Baal worship or Satanism. Externally this looks a lot like Torah Judaism and can be used as false cover, which it was.

In about 1250 AD, the situation became completely unacceptable to both Russia and Persia and they destroyed Khazaria top to bottom. When Khazaria was destroyed, it had been literally terrorizing, robbing, murdering and parasitizing neighbors and travelers for over 500 years. The top Khazarian nobility were able to flee with their great wealth of silver and gold. They continued practicing the Black Magick occult arts and migrated to western European nations where they are still practicing child sacrifice because they believe it will provide them with more and more satanic powers.

They are impostors hiding in other groups by claiming to be part of that group. They practice the Babylonian Talmudic “money-magic" that is, making money from nothing by the use of pernicious usury.

They were easily accepted by the Old Black European Nobility families and the Breakspeare family who were also practicing satanism and secretly sacrificing children.

So Khazarians were easily accepted by the European leaders and the royal families because they worshiped Satan just like them and shared in the secret ritual of child sacrifice.

The Khazarians became known for their expertise in political intrigue, human compromise and blackmail, as well as the administration of hypnotic drugs and special poisons to murder opponents.

They parasitized financially the whole world and made us their slaves.

It's a secret Occult family, who have had some members live to ripe ages of 500 years old. Their one of the unknown
historic elite families on Earth. They are Pharoahs!

Breakspear is a riddle when it is translated into Latin, because it translates to BREAK SPEAR = Lance Rotto = Lancia Rotta =
Lancia Lotta = Lancelot. Lancelot is the first Knight to king Arthur.

Pope Adrian IV, killer of Arnold(The Reformist), is Lancelot! His name was anglized and retranslated to hide its origins.
One of the evilest Popes ever to have lived. Bloodthirsty! And now the whole world is worshipping Sir Lancelot
as a hero, when his origins are of a mass-murderer

Breakspear is Lancelot, no manner what the masses say. It was the 'Breakspear' family that destroyed your country
of England. Even Shakespear was a Breakspear

Theres an ancient ritual going back even to the sumerian times called "The breaking of spears." There is the "Spear of Destiny"

We're talking about the only family that controls Britain, from the Shadows. The whole Royal family are nonsense. They are the veils. The Breakspear's are Jesuits. Their the high priests. They practice ritual black magic and of course human blood sacrifices. They have intercourse with the dead as well. Usually a female which comes back to life for a few minutes and dies again.

Pope Adrian IV

Pope Adrian IV(c. 1100 AD–1 September, 1159 AD)[1], born Nicholas Breakspear or Breakspeare, was Pope from 1154 to 1159 AD.

Adrian IV is the only Englishman who has occupied the papal chair. It is generally believed that Nicholas Breakspear was born at Breakspear Farm in the parish of Abbots Langley in Hertfordshire and received his early education at the Abbey School, St Albans (St Albans School).

The Merovingian kings were noted sorcerors in the manner of the Samaritan Magi, and they firmly believed in the hidden powers of the honeycomb. Because a honeycomb is naturally made up of hexagonal prisms, it was considered by philosophers to be the manifestation of divine harmony in nature. Its construction was associated with insight and wisdom - as detailed in Proverbs 24:13-14: “My son, eat thou honey, because it is good… So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul…”

To the Merovingians, the bee was a most hallowed creature. A sacred emblem of Egytian royalty, it became a symbol of Wisdom. Some 300 small golden bees were founded stitched to the cloak of Childeric I (son of Meroveus) when his grave was unearthed in 1653. Napoleon had these attached to his own coronation robe in 1804. He claimed this right by virtue of his descent from James de Rohan-Stuardo, the natural son (legitimized in 1667) of Charles II Stuart of Britain by Marguerite, Duchesse de Rohan. The Stuarts in turn were entitled to this distinction because they, and their related Counts of Brittany, were descended from Clodion’s brother Fredemundus - thus (akin to the Merovingians) they were equally in descent from the Fisher Kings through Faramund. The Merovingian bee was adopted by the exiled Stuarts in Europe, and engraved bees are still to be seen on some Jacobite glassware.”

From “Bloodline of the Holy Grail” by Laurence Gardner

Yes That's Right! it's - MARK BREAKSPEAR'S

The Bloodline Families are United, with each other, in their Objective to Control the world. They've probably decided Together that China will be their Best Ally at This Time in History. The way they work is they work behind the scenes to Manipulate their Puppets; but the Point is that the Puppets aren't suppose to Suspect themselves Puppets. But that These Families are their Friends. Once the Puppets believe they have a Friend in the Families, then the Puppets can be Manipulated to do The Bidding of the Families. The idea being that they are Not to Suspect they are being Duped by the Families for the Families' Objectives Being Realized. Or else the Puppets become Convinced they wish to be Aligned with the Objectives of the Families. All believe they will Gain in the End. China is a great thought for the Families. It's Intelligent, industrious, its people stripped of Christian Religion, a Slave labor Force already in Place. Perfect.

The Families may feel that China may be the Entity that will end up being willing to nuke The Vatican for them eventually. The Book of Revelation states that her Destruction will Come in One hour. That seems to be a nuclear blast. How else would the Vatican be Destroyed in One hour? The Families probably believe China is the Entity that will be willing to invade & nuke the US. C19 may be the Families' First Weapon against the US via China.

The Bloodline Families want The Vatican moved to Jerusalem. That's Important to them. Because they Worship Satan. Jerusalem is Important to Satan. Because Satan Knows Jerusalem is Important to God.


Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea is a Sicilian noble and an owner of the Lanza crime family of San Francisco which has spread throughout the United States. The Lanza crime family is an extension of the Los Angeles crime family which is run by the Gambinos. The Lanza crime family have spread to the East Coast and have infiltrated the FBI with Andrew Lanza a New York Senator who was Jesuit educated from Fordham and Jeff Lanza a former and recent FBI agent. The Lanza family of Sandy Hook are FBI assets and relatives of the Lanza di Scaleas and they helped to stage the fake Sandy Hook massacre which was used for gun control propaganda. The mafia and corrupt federal agents are involved in child trafficking networks and they want society disarmed out of fear of what society will do to them when they realize what is really going on. It is proven that Sandy Hook was staged with CNN caught using green screen during an interview with a "victim's" parent, Adam Lanza's death certificate being issued in New Hampshire and dated the day before the Sandy Hook fake massacre occurred as well as the many interviews with parents of "victims" who never cry and Robbie Parker who was caught laughing and smiling the day after his young daughter was supposedly murdered as he walked up to give a speech which set the media up for their gun control agenda. The Sicilian Lanzas claim to be descendants of the Bavarian Wittelsbach royal family from over 1000 years ago and they partly are. The Lanza di Scaleas also established a Lancellotti branch in Campania which later merged with the Massimo family of Rome with the current members Prince Ascanio, Prince Filippo, and Prince Ludovico of the House of Massimo-Lancellotti. The name Lanza like Lance means a lance. The Lanza di Scalea and Massimo-Lancellotti families have covert shares in Lancia the automobile company owned by the Agnellis. The Massimo-Lancelottis and Gaetani-Lovatellis are owners of the Philadelphia crime family headed up by Joey Merlino. Michael Lancellotti is also a high level mobster in the Philly Mob.

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Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea with his former girlfriend the Italian actress Alba Parietti.

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Prince Ascanio Massimo-Lancellotti is an owner of the Sicilian Mafia and owner of the Lanza crime family of San Francisco which has national operations today. Prince Ascanio's mother was an Odescalchi. The Massimo-Lancellottis are also married with the Belgian Merode family.

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Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti is a high authority over the Order of Druids and a part owner of the Philly Mob and Lanza crime family. Joey Merlino is the top boss of the Philly Mob and Michael Lancelotti is a high level mobster of the Philly Mob. Merlin and Lancelot.

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Khazarian Mafia or Ashkenazi Jews reflecting Khazarian facial characteristics. They married into the Lancelotti family after the defeat of Prussia.

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Prince Emanuel de Merode is a high level Belgian noble connected with Africa. The Merodes are married with the Belgian Lignes and also with the Italian Massimo-Lancellottis. The Merodes have a bat on their coat of arms which is a symbol for Gothic bloodlines.

Mars is known as the “god of war” in Roman Mythology and the red string Kabbalah cult is covertly promoting a war and holocaust. Mark Breakspear is a Hollywood special effects designer and he comes from the English Breakspear family which produced the only English Pope in history Pope Adrian IV of Nicholas Breakspear who also conquered Ireland for Rome. The name Break-spear translates to Rotti-Lance in Italian for the Lancellotti family. Lancellotti or Breakspear is where Lancelot comes from in the King Arthur legend. Prince William’s middle name is Arthur and he is supposed to be next in line to the British throne. The Lancellotti family own a palace in Italy with a hedge maze and clock tower. These symbols are used in the Hollywood movie “Alice in Wonderland” and mazes or labrynths are meant to confuse or bewitch the mind. Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti II is the head of the Lancellotti family today.

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Putin wears the Khabalist red Jesuit bracelet paying homage to the Breakspear family.

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The Rev. Júlio Lancellotti, 75, ministers to the homeless in one of the roughest neighborhoods of Brazil’s largest city, a crime and drug-ridden area of Sao Paulo commonly known as Crackland. Which gives him the role possibly allowing Russia and China to control Brazil.

Nancy Pelosi is from the Pelosi d'Alesandro Lucchese Gambino Crime Family who reports directly to Lancelotti and Breakspear families.

The Massimo Crime Family Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is a top owner of the Vatican and he also controls most of the Sicilian Mafia. Brancaccio is a neighborhood in Sicily where La Cosa Nostra originated. The Massimo family are one of the oldest families of Rome and claim to be the ancient Fabii Maximi dynasty. The Fabii family were known for using the "scorched earth" military tactic in ancient Rome. Scorched Earth is a ruthless tactic where they burn everything down that can aid the enemy like food, resources, and people. The Fabian Society uses the wolf in sheep's clothing as their logo. Fabii like Fabian. The Massimo family are married with various royal bloodlines including the House of Savoy, House of Bourbon, and House of Osorio of Galicia, Spain. Amancio Ortega is from Galicia and he is serving the Osorio family as their Court Factor. Amancio Ortega is the second wealthiest billionaire on the planet and worth more than 70 billion. He owns Inditex with the store chain called Massimo Dutti which is high end fashion. Prince Stefano Massimo married into the British Foxwell family and he is a fashion photographer. Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory. Fox is for Foxwell. The fox is considered a cunning animal. Prince Valero Massimo started an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill who is a relative of the Windsor family. The Massimo family and other Italian Nobility have deeply infiltrated the United Kingdom. The House of Massimo is at the head of the Black Nobility. They are primary owners of the Holy See corporation. The Massimo family are a crime family and they run La Cosa Nostra which pays dues back to them. Prince Carlo Massimo oversees the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. They have authority over the Jesuits from their Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome. They use their Jesuits as Roman Intelligence and infiltrators. Mario Draghi who is the President of the European Central Bank was born in Rome and went to the Massimo Institute. The Massimo family have billions in private Swiss bank accounts and they have three members from Rome on the Bank for International Settlements Board of Directors including Mario Draghi, Fabio Panetta, and Ignazio Visco. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican City State. Switzerland has a law enforcing private bank accounts. The Massimo family are at the top of the global crime syndicate and are involved in every crime imaginable including murder, extortion, threats, human trafficking, money laundering and more. Members of the Massimo crime family include Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Giacomo Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Carlo Massimo, Prince Stefano Massimo, Prince Valerio Massimo (Foxwell) and Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti II.

The Son of the Morning Prince Stefano Massimo is the son of Dawn Addams. The Massimo family are the primary owners of the Holy See and Vatican. The name Stefano means "crowned" and the name Massimo means "greatest" If anyone fits the role of Satan on Earth it is Prince Stefano Massimo. I am not promoting the Bible and I am not a Christian, I am not an Atheist, or a member of any religion or belief system. I am just pointing out something. Satan means the adversary. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! -ESV Isaiah 14:12 Stefano Massimo, prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci Dawn Addams (21 September 1930 – 7 May 1985) was an English actress, particularly in Hollywood motion pictures of the 1950s and on British television in the 1960s and 1970s. She first married Don Vittorio Emanuele Massimo, Prince of Roccasecca in 1954.[3] They had a son, Prince Stefano Massimo, born 10 January 1955.

The Black Nobility and Italian Mafia Vittorio Emanuele IV is the Prince of Naples and has a residence in Geneva Switzerland. The Savoy family governed Geneva for a period of time in service to the Vatican. The Genovese crime family take their name from Vito Genovese who was born in a Naples commune just as Vittorio is the Prince of Naples. Genovese is a surname for someone from Genoa Italy or from Geneva Switzerland. Genoa or Genova in Italian is the same word as Geneva is Swiss. Prince Vittorio is married to Princess Marina Doria who was born in Switzerland. The Doria family were one of the most powerful banking families in Genoa for centuries. The Savoy family put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The Vatican was tied with the mafia during the P2 Masonic loge scandal. Prince Vittorio is the hidden owner of the Genovese crime family which have infiltrated Wall Street and are extorting businessmen in the United States. Donald Trump used the Genovese owned S&A Concrete to build his condos in Manhattan. Trump used Roy Cohn as an attorney who also worked for the former mafia bosses Tony Salerno and John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. The Italian Mafia have always controlled Atlantic City and use the casinos to launder their personal profits. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City which are controlled by the Italian Nobility. Ivana Trump dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani. The Gaetani-D'Aquila-D'Aragona family of Italy covertly own the Gambino crime family and one of its original bosses was named Salvatore D'Aquila.

Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV has numerous criminal charges against him including murder, association with organized crime, corruption, and exploitation of prostitution. He tends to get off on all his charges though. Prince Vittorio was also a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was involved with the Vatican, Italian government, Italian media, and organized crime like the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari fascist paramilitary group and Banda della Magliana or Magliana Mafia. The Massimo family created the Banda della Magliana and NAR to take over the City of Rome. Massimo Carminati who was nicknamed "The last King of Rome" was a member of the NAR and Magliana Mafia. Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio runs the modern day Roman Mafia or Casamonica Clan as well as most of the Sicilian Mafia. Much of the Sicilian Mafia was established in the neighborhood of Brancaccio in Palermo Sicily just as Don Fabrizio's name is Massimo-Brancaccio. Silvio Berlusconi has extensive ties with the Sicilian Mafia and served four terms as prime minister of Italy. Silvio was also listed as a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy which was involved with political corruption and considered a "shadow government". Silvio Berlusconi has a monopoly in Italian broadcasting and is worth more than 7 billion. The Italian judge Paolo Borsellino who was a member of the Antimafia Pool spoke out against Silvio Berlusconi shortly before he was assassinated by the Sicilian Mafia. Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi is a high level authority in Rome and an owner of the Italian Mafia. The Boncompagni coat of arms has a golden dragon on it. Gold and dragons are symbols for imperialism. Pope Gregory XIII or Ugo Boncompagni purchased the Duchy of Sora for his family to govern over. The Ludovisi family ruled over Venosa. The Casalesi Mafia in Italy have influences in Sora and one of their factions was ran by a man named Raffaele Venosa. The founder of the Casalesi Mafia Clan was from Caserta right near Sora. Prince Nicolo Boncompagni Ludovisi is an owner of the Casalesi Clan. The name Bon-Compagni means "Good Company" or "Good Fellows" since Compagno can be translated to fellow. Boncompagni is where the term Goodfellas derives from which means a gangster or member of the Italian Mafia. They made a major Hollywood movie glorifying the Italian Mafia called Goodfellas.

The Massimo di Roccasecca family own the Clerkenwell crime syndicate in London also called the Adams Family or A-Team for its founders Terry, Tommy, and Patrick Adams. Prince Stefano Massimo’s mother was the satanic witch Dawn Addams who was an English actress that married Prince Vittorio Massimo of Roccasecca. Prince Stefano Massimo is the father of Prince Valerio Massimo, Prince Cesare Massimo, and Prince Tancredi Massimo and they all reside in London today. Stefano’s sons all assist him with his criminal enterprises. Clerkenwell was nicknamed “London’s Little Italy” for its large Italian population. The Clerkenwell crime syndicate is involved with murder, extortion, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. They are believed to be involved with the Brink’s-Mat Robbery consisting of hundreds of millions in stolen cash, diamonds, and gold. The Italian Nobility and their mafias have a pattern of committing gold heists. Kenneth Noye is an English gangster and Freemason that was involved in the Brink’s-Mat Robbery. Noye also killed a police officer that was investigating him and got off on all charges under self-defense. It is possible the Adams crime family murdered the Scottish billionaire Scot Young by throwing him off a building while the media in the UK claims it was either suicide or the Russian Mafia. His reported wealth was never accounted for. The Adams crime family are also allied with the Irish Mafia and Arifs Turkish Mafia. Danny Morrow is a member of a Glasgow street gang and a ruthless associate of the Clerkenwell Mafia. Prince Stefano Massimo works as a fashion photographer. Silvio Scaglia is an Italian-Swiss billionaire that lives in London and he founded and runs Pacific Global Management Group which owns Elite World an international model management company. Model agencies have been exposed for their involvement with high-end prostitution. Girls that are not successful in modeling are often brought into prostitution as well. Scaglia was investigated for tax fraud ordered by Rome’s anti-mafia public prosecutor and Scaglia was later acquitted of all charges like so many other wealthy criminals operating in Rome.

The Massimo family established an Irish noble branch called the Barons Massy in Limerick where the McCarthy-Dundon crime family operate in. The Massimo family are also part owners of various Irish Mafias. In Ireland, there is also the international Rathkeale Rovers crime syndicate which is involved in high-end thefts at museums and auction houses. Prince Tancredi works as an art appraiser for the Christies auction house and is also part owner and adviser of the Rathkeale Rovers. Guillaume Cerutti is the CEO of Christie's. The name Tancredi derives from Thankarath. Thanka-rath like Rathkeale. The mafia extorts and blackmail politicians, bankers, members of the media, and businessmen. They are covert and use violence. Royal and noble families use mafias to do their dirty work. Mafias are criminal business enterprises for the royal and noble families. Members of the mafia are often disposable to them while others are valuable and this is why they pay off judges and police to protect them. Prince Stefano’s mother Dawn Addams remarried to Jimmy White and the name White similar to her name Addams relating to the Adams crime family and English mobster Alfred Henry White who was at one point an enforcer for Charles Sabini an English-Italian gangster located in Clerkenwell. Prince Stefano Massimo married and divorced Atalanta Foxwell of England and lives in London today and their son Prince Valerio Massimo is in business with Duke Edward Spencer Churchill running Auctus Industries an aerospace company and SCM Capital Partners. Prince Valerio, Prince Cesare, and Prince Tancredi are also owners of the Clerkenwell Mafia. Some of the British nobility are double agents serving the British Crown and covertly working with the Black Nobility of Rome. They are using their mafias to threaten and extort politicians, reporters, bankers, and businessmen. The Clerkenwell Mafia have been suspected of being involved in about 25 murders. In 2017 Terry Adams paid about 725,000 pounds equal to 1 million dollars to the UK government in order to stay out of prison for money laundering. Dawn Addams was born in Felixstowe where the largest container port in the UK is located. The Clerkenwell Mafia are trafficking drugs, weapons, and humans through the Port of Felixstowe. Chief of Felixstowe police J Whitby is an agent of the Clerkenwell Mafia. Even most white collar criminals fear the Black Hand mafias. Prince Stefano Massimo is a ruthless and murderous terrorist and his Clerkenwell Mafia operates in the same way.

Prince Stefano Massimo with his son Prince Tancredi Massimo. They are the most ruthless and sadistic devils on the planet. They make human sacrifices by burning people alive and I believe they use the Breakspear Crematorium in London to make these human sacrifices. The Breakspears are an English-Italian family that produced the only English pope in history. The Breakspear name is translated to Lancerotti a variant to the name Lancelotti. One of the Massimo family branches merged with the Lancellotti family creating the Massimo-Lancellotti family which still exist and live in Rome headed up by Prince Filippo and Prince Ludovico. The Clerkenwell and Rathkeale mafias which the Massimos of Roccasecca own are involved in crimes involving tens of millions to hundreds of millions in a single crime or trafficking operation. I believe these mafias make billions per year.


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