Sabbath Lounge Interviews John Sliffe of Enduring Word Museum | Traveling Gutenberg Press Tour.

3 months ago

In this exclusive interview, John Sliffe of the Enduring Word Museum takes us on a journey through history as he shares the fascinating story of their Traveling Gutenberg Press. Discover the incredible preservation of ancient printing techniques and the impact of the Gutenberg Press on the world. Watch as John explains how the Enduring Word Museum brings this iconic piece of history to life, educating audiences about the origins of printing and its revolutionary role in spreading knowledge. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn about this traveling exhibit and its importance in today’s world.

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The Enduring Word teaches the history of the Bible through historical artifacts from the Holy Land, Middle East, Asia Minor, and Europe spanning 5000 years, all to affirm the Truth and Veracity of the Bible.

By owning an Authentic Johann Gutenberg Bible page and using the fully functional printing press, the Enduring Word Museum is often invited to schools, both public and private, to speak about the importance of Johan Gutenberg in the Reformation Age. This, along with the history of written communication, are topics of interest for public school's lectures when covering these eras during the school year.

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