Flat earthers, explain this please - globe earth curvature experiment with sunset + DJI Drone

3 months ago

I would love flat earth us to explain this video of a sunset. The sun has already set, but with a Drone I get the sun to rise again by flying at 100 m in the air

I still believe that there world is a globe .

For the ones saying "vanishing point" when describing the point on the horizon where parallel lines appear to meet and disappear into the distance. This term is often used in perspective drawing and photography. This should not relate to the sun but only drawings or perspective photography.

If indeed the sun moves away in flat earth theory why does it reveal itself just because of altitude ?

If the earth was flat and the sun was just a disc moving around then the sun would have different sizes on the same day with around 50% size change. But it doesn’t. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Also if we live in the done Theory then how does the sun float in the sky? Who pushes it around if gravity doesnt exist? And if gravity exist the what keeps the sun from falling?

So again I trust in globe theory until flat earthers are better at proving their point without using drawing terms to explain.

Hope your explainations to flat earth are detailed so people have a reason to understand and listen 😊

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