Fake Narcissistic Chosen Ones, Demons in Plain Sight & Agents of Light

11 hours ago

The quickest way to discern whether someone in your life is a demon sanctioned to destroy you or an agent of light to help you elevate is to ASK GOD about them! The higher-ranking demons will be more cunning, deceptive, and have the ability to present themselves as angels of light. So watch out for Judas in your life. God will reveal the hidden contents of their hearts through Freudian slips and demons manifesting in their physical appearance. But not everyone is bad and not everyone is out to destroy you. There are spirit-filled relationships for you to have.

Don't listen to these fraudulent "chosen one" Youtubers who ONLY talk about witchcraft attacks, gang stalking, and mind control. This creates an extreme victim mentality, and that strong delusion will make you miserable and alone forever. You need to have the right balance of discernment and open-mindedness. We are all tracked, being monitored, and our data is being collected and stored. This is happening to EVERYONE, including those who are of the world. These false prophets teaching you to have a superiority complex which only stems from insecurities. To believe that everyone is envious and jealous of you is narcissistic in and of itself. It is one of the traits of narcissism. There are narcissists disguising themselves through these narcissistic abuse teachings. Be alert and very aware. They are teaching you to be a chronic victim and recreate trauma loops, and vicious cycles of abuse. They want you to wear that unworthiness on your sleeve, so you ultimately reject yourself before they ever get a chance to do it first. This is a fear-based deception that comes straight from the devil.

There are plenty of Spirit-filled relationships out there for you to have. God is still on the throne and life isn't meant to be so negative all the time. Expecting everyone to be a narcissist becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and will most certainly manifest into your reality. It's time to have a paradigm shift and expect good things to happen to you. Only when you have trust and faith that God wants to bless you and prosper you, can those things actually happen. Will you take God at His Word and believe in His promises for the righteous to flourish? Or will you incidentally count yourselves amongst the portion of the wicked. You can change your life and restructure your identity. Start by subtracting the evil voices from your life.


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