11 days ago

They are very mad at you right now and you're probably wondering what you did wrong. Well, in their eyes not putting up with their abuse and manipulation is wrong and they genuinely hate you for this. Pretty puzzling right? When they can no longer control your emotions or be in charge of what happens to you, the demon that was behind them all along will manifest. It was always there, but as long as you were under their control, it was able to remain hidden. It's not that people are switching up on you but showing you what was hiding there all along. When you gain autonomy and develop confidence in your identity through God, they won't be able to disguise themselves any longer.

When you discover these peculiar hidden agendas and secret motives people have for you, one of three things can happen: They will love bomb you to suck you back into the sick game, they will devalue you by attacking your new identity, or they will leave you the hell alone. If they choose the latter, never forget that they have plans to resurface back in your life with a newly brandished persona. You have to come to grips with the reality that narcissist and even average every-day people have developed some s. Nothing is ever as it seems, and everyone is usually not who they initially appear to be.

Do not allow them to gaslight you and project their shame and guilt onto you for cutting out toxic friends, family, or workplaces. If you have this type of negative energy around you often, eventually everything bad they want to happen to you will manifest one way or another. Especially if you're not fighting back in spiritual warfare. In Satan's Little Season, the stakes are high, and you are held to a much higher standard or spiritual maturity than you ever realized. But there is favor for the righteous, even in this lifetime. Step into this reality and reject when these devils try to tell you otherwise. When you turn from your sin and you're living right, nothing will be able to stop you! They will hate from the sidelines but won't be able to do a damn thing to get you to change course.


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