The Demon Possessed Narcissist Left a Lasting Stain on Your Soul!

16 days ago

Once you realize that you were raised by demons or you made a demonic covenant with that spouse, it really puts things in perspective for you. You have to realize the severity of the trauma that you were put through by these disembodied spirits of the Nephilim and how much of a lasting residue it made on you. You can act like, talk like and pretend like you are fully healed but that doesn't change the fact that there is still work that needs to be done. There is an inner groaning inside of you that needs to be released as you enter into deeper deliverance from narcissistic abuse trauma. You don't need someone to cast a demon out of you. This one is personal and something only God Himself can release you from. A part of you is locked up somewhere, perhaps your inner child that never got to fully manifest the right way. Maybe you never got to fully develop properly as your caregiver(s) feasted on you the second you came out of the womb.

The narcissist always hated you and was trying to kill you your entire life. There are certain parameters and boundaries they cannot cross in the spirit realm and God has preserved you. They watched with pleasure as you fell time and time again. They looked on in sadistic joy as their schemes and traps to destroy you manifested. But their jealousy, envy, hatred, malice, bitterness, and disdain for you only increased as your light sustained you each and every time. They compromised the very software of what it meant for you to be in a relationship. The Holy Spirit needs to give you a software overdrive and fill you with holy programs now. And you will learn to trust again.

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