Their TRUE COLORS Are Being Revealed! Don't Ignore the Warning Signs

1 month ago

There is someone in your life right now that is NOT who you think they are. They presented to you a certain persona when you met them but they are just playing a role. Never try to force someone into your life that doesn't belong just because you're lonely. This is a huge mistake that could easily burn many long years off of your life. You think they have potential and that you can build them up into the person you want them to be. But they have no intention of making the right decisions or being the right person for you. They are going to use you to portray a certain image, drain your energy, and deplete your resources. They don't love or care about you. And you have seen many red flags but you keep ignoring the warning signs. God is trying to speak to you. Never surround yourself with bad company or someone who is going to influence you to make bad decisions. You can't help them and if you bring them into your life, everything you built will quickly be destroyed. If they compromise your relationship with God or take you away from your purpose, they got to go immediately. Stop holding onto the idea of who you thought they were or who you want them to be.

Many narcissistic people are masters at deception and mirroring back to you exactly who you want them to be. But there are ulterior motives and hidden agendas. And these things can only be spiritually discerned. God will reveal every narcissist and fake person in your life. But will you listen or keep playing games with them? Don't deceive yourself. Do the right thing and stay on the right path. They don't want to build with you, they want to create drama and be entertained. And they will use and abuse you until you have nothing left. You can't let this happen. It's better to be lonely than have the wrong person latched onto you. Cherish the peace you have right now. The more people in your life, the more problems and the more unclean spirits you have to deal with. Most people are functioning through an antichrist spirit these days. And their primary foundation is manipulation. They aren't who you think they are. And their true colors will always be revealed. God exposes these devils every single time. They reveal themselves in plain sight. Pay attention!

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