The Narcissist is Too Weak to Change: The Broken Soul That Can't Heal!

1 month ago

The narcissist has been given plenty of opportunities by God to change and repent from their wicked ways. At many crossroads throughout their life, it's dawned upon them the full scope of their evil and the necessity to make a change. Every single time they are faced with the monstrous demons they have become, they still make the wrong decision and continue along down the rabbit hole of depravity. This is the weakest possible thing a human being can do: refuse to look at themselves and face reality for what it actually is, take responsibility for their lives and do what they have to do to change. Instead they blame the world for their pain and suffering. They even victim shift God and blame their Creator for the decisions that THEY MAKE. Acting as if they don't have a choice in the matter. Stop giving them compassion and empathy because it just fuels them further into victimhood.

We've all been traumatized to some degree and have had unfortunate things happen at some point in our lives. You can take those things and choose to enact the same torment on people that happened to you, or transmute that into being a powerful voice for love. Because at the end of the day, why would you want to enact the same hell you went through onto other people that have nothing to do with your problems? It is this ultimate weak and cowardly move to make. Blaming everyone else for your state of existence. The narcissist never wanted to deal with reality from the beginning. Every chance they got, they choose to run from every single issue that arose. And when you empathize with them, you buy into the deception that you can take responsibility for their burdens and somehow cause them to heal. They have a broken soul and need to do the work for themselves. You can't do it for them. And they never wanted to cherish your love in the first place and cultivate more love. They wanted to destroy your love from the beginning because they're evil and demonic.

Acting like you're going to heal them is an extremely toxic perspective. It's self-righteous and comes from a place of brokenness in yourself. If you have respect for yourself, you wouldn't even consider putting yourself in that situation. Thinking you can heal them means you are unwise and unhealed yourself. You're lacking identity and are codependent. You're also lacking direction in your life because if you have the love of God in you, you're going to be focused on your purpose, not dwelling, wishing, and hoping the narcissist is going to change as you continue to linger around them. When you know exactly what they are and the pleasure they get from relishing in evil and doing wicked deeds, you can't empathize with that. You may feel sad for the state of their existence and how someone could take such a dark turn and continue in that direction for so long, but that's as far as it goes. Once you know what they are you're going to want to expose them and ask God to judge them so they can stop hurting other people. At the end of the day, there is no other worse type of person than a narcissist and they need to be brought to justice, because they're not going to stop. And they only get worse as they age. Let's be real about this and stop trying to love the devil.

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