The Narcissist is a Drug Addict & Needs to Harvest Your Uncut Energy!

30 days ago

The narcissist is a spiritual drug addict, and you have the rawest purest energy supply on the market. If a parasite doesn't latch onto someone with life, they will shrivel up in die. They have demons in them so once you activate those demonic receptors the narc will go into a feeding frenzy and aggressively pursue you until they get another hit. They will stalk, you, blackmail you, steal from you, and set you up just to get an emotional charge out of you and embezzle your energy again. They have fallen angels and disembodied spirits of the Nephilim attached to them that want to carry out their evil bloodlusts, darkest desires and pleasures. The devil uses the narcissist as a vessel to do this, as they carry out their assignment to destroy God's chosen ones. These ancient spirits have an expertise in hunting and tracking down God's people until they're dead in a ditch somewhere.

When you become born again, you come into a state of regeneration because you now have the Holy Spirit in you and if your life a lifestyle that seeks repentance, you remain on a high frequency and close yourself off from that open portal of sin, & those low vibrational demons don't have a legal right to attach to you. But now you become a humongous target in the spirit realm and the narcissist are going to come flocking your way because you now have the purest most powerful energy source on the inside of you that they want to get high off of. Even before any narcissistic leech latched onto you, God had been working on you, He was molding and shaping you, preparing you for the day you'd inevitably open your heart to Him and let Him in.

In the spirit realm, these narcissistic demons could see the guiding light around you. You had an aura about you, a certain level of protective energy that was shielding and engulfing you as the Spirit of God was leading you back to Christ. He was drawing you back to Him ever so slightly because you have free will, but He was gently tugging you to come back to Him. You had angels performing certain maneuvers in the spirit all around you, setting certain things into motion, correcting things that were placed there to make you stumble and fall too far, they actively fighting for you and clearing a way out of every situation the devil was trying to trap you in.

They had been providing provision and protection for you long before you even thought about the idea of a God. Even when you were making horrible decisions and you let the enemy in, creating soul ties with devil left and right, times where you had near death experiences, close encounters on the road and things like that. I'm sure all of you could recollect certain miraculous moments where you were seemingly snatched from the claws of death or something extremely unlikely happened that caused you to barely escape the grips a near tragedy. There's always been certain guardrails in the spirit that have been preventing your soul from being doomed forever, you've been sustained through everything you've been through and funneled ever so slightly back to God until you have your encounter with God and born-again experience.

Even when you've left yourself vulnerable, completely wide open for the devil to have his way with you, there have been certain boundaries and parameters that he could not cross. The devil can only attack you if God allows it, and He's going to use that attack to draw you to Him because sometimes it's the only way to get you to do that. He uses Satan as a divine agent to wake you up and really seek Him, Satan has always been used as a divine agent to put you through the refinery fire so that you can be molded and shaped into who you need to be to get where God needs you to go. And before you came to Christ, your spiritual atmosphere was being orchestrated in a way that was sustaining you, the way these angels have always been fighting for you has been absolutely chaotic.

There's been constant spiritual warfare, unthinkable battles going on around you over the protection and preservation of your soul. It's a very good thing you can't see all the way into the spirit realm because you'd be absolutely shocked and terrified. God has blessed you to only be able to see so much, to understand so much, so thank God you can walk by faith and not by sight because if you were able to see the war being waged over you, you'd be absolutely overwhelmed, and it would overtake you. But God has provided you with exactly what you need to be successful in this walk and endure all the way until the end, until He's able to pull you out of this world and tell you "Well done good and faithful servant".

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