TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse The Platforms

3 months ago

In this episode of X-men Legends II, The Brotherhood decide to relax at the mansion well....what's left of it, temporarily, The X-Men however feeling angry at the fact their home was destroyed by Apocalypse decide to focus in on ways to hinder Apocalypse, and so Cyclops, Colossus, and Jean Grey tag along with Wolverine, First, Cyclops speaks to his brother Havoc to see what he thinks about the X-men however Havoc immediately tells the X-men that they need to hurry up and head over to The Platforms since they are needed, Havoc says Apocalypse has set The Platforms up along the East Coast, Cyclops asks Why, Then Havoc explains that Sentinels are being used to pick up New York Refugees, aka Escaped Prisoners of Apocalypse, however anything that flies over the Platforms immediately gets shot down, Cyclops asks what could prevent the Sentinels from attacking Mutants while they are on the Platforms, Havoc says Bolivar Trask (The creator of Sentinels) blocked their Mutant Killing Override meaning they should ignore Mutants, Havoc then says if they want more info on the mission they should use the mission briefing computer, Cyclops asks how did the New York Refugees escape New York, Havoc says a mutant who goes by the name Banshee has freed them, Havoc says he was captured by Apocalypse, Cyclops says that the X-men should try freeing him however Havoc says Banshee is imprisoned Temporarily and that he always finds a way out, Cyclops then keeps saying Banshee needs to be saved while Havoc teases that Banshee wouldn't take it kindly of being 'saved' by someone, Cyclops thanks Havoc then Havoc says that the best way to thank him is to put a good word about him to Xavier, Havoc still trying to get on the X-mens good side. Then Colossus speaks to Kitty Pryde about the rumors about him and Scarlet Witch possibly dating, which started when Colossus called Scarlet Witch pretty, Kitty Pryde said him doing that would obviously cause rumors, she says she can forgive him though, Colossus says he feels better and now can tell Magneto to stop treating him like a Son, Kitty Pryde says that if she ever caught Colossus looking at Scarlet Witch she would rip his eyesballs out. and so the team head off Wolverine speaks to Moira Mctaggert, a returning character from X-men legends 1, Moira says in order to get Apocalypse, out of New York City the team would need to battle him in his towers, she says the task is impossible, however Wolverine says that went it comes to Moira nothings Impossible, Moira then says their best option is to find Sebastion Shaw in New York City, she says he would know how to get into Apocalypse's Tower, Wolverine asks if there's anyway to get into New York City, since if they took the X-Jet they would be shot down, Moira says an old nemesis of the x-men named Marrow, is offering help to Humans from the Sun world, Moira also said the best way to reach New York City is through the Sewers, she says one's by the mansion, Moira has also said she's been helping the wounded, The X-men speak with Professor Xavier and Xavier says Beast is excited about rebuilding the mansion, Xacier also said Apocalypse has been building an underground Penitentiary for prisoners so he can do experiments on them, the X-men save their good byes and head off to the Platforms where Nick Fury Briefs the team that they need to destroy the anti aircraft guns, Nick Fury says Time is the enemy, and so The X-men head off to destroy the Anti Aircraft Guns, They Destroy one then the X-men gets distracted and keep beating up bad guys, but Time is the enemy like Fury said, and so Jean grey flies off to destroy more anti air craft guns, however Colossus and Cyclops are overwhelmed by enemies and are killed leaving only Wolverine and Jean Grey, the mission is now at stake with only 2 X-men left but they can't give up now, the remaining 2 teleport to another area of the Platforms and meet a Shield Agent named Sgt. Killroy, who is a Demolition Specialist who is going to be taking out the Radar Arrays, Nick Fury tells the team to Protect him at All Costs. and so the team protect Killroy after a bunch of Sentinels which just got rewired to it's original Setting a a man by the name Bastion was the one who reset the Sentinels back to their Default setting and he has a hatred towards Mutants. Killroy destroys the first radar while The X-men fight off the Sentinels, even though Nick Fury sent more Shield Agents to Attack them, but the 2 X-men get distracted and Killroy takes damage while setting up a bomb on the Radar Array, Killroy is almost dead so Wolverine jumps into Action and Absorbs the damage from the Sentinels and the Sinister Operatives (a ripoff of the GRSO Black Guard) Killroy destoys the second Radar Array, now Killroy heads to the final one but then an Explosion sends Killroy into the Waters! Wolverine tells Nick Fury about what happened and Nick Fury says its up to the 2 X-men to destroy the last one, Wolverine uses a power console to Deactivate the Shield, Nick Fury says they have limited time before The Shield reactivates to protect the Auxillary Generator, and so the 2 X-men get to work, and attack the Auxillary Generator they successfully destroy it and Nick Fury congratulates the team saying The Sentinels can rescue the Refugees, Nick fury also says Sgt Killroy was recovered from the Ocean, he says he's tired after being thrown into the Ocean like that, The 2 X-men head over to the final area, The Command Center, they encounter Bastion again who says he will wipe out each and every Human Kind, The X-men say that they are here to Help Bastion which causes him pain, The X-men figure out Bastion is under Sinisters Control, Bastion gets mind controlled again, and says he will battle the X-men until their dead, and so the fight begins, Bastion summons Sentinels to observe the fight, then summons some to fight him, Wolverine fights some of them but it turns out The Sentinels are being used as Explosives For Bastion!! The Sentinel explodes and Wolverine takes immense damage! The 2 X-men keep attacking Bastion till they eventually defeat him, Forge Congratulates the team saying their Mission was a Success, he says Blink will create a Portal and that when they head back they should see Havoc, the 2 X-men head back to camp and speak with Havoc, Havoc Congratulates the team then Wolverine sternly says You realize the Sentinels tried killing us right? Havoc says because Bastion was under the control of Apocalypse he was able to set the Sentinels back to their original setting, Havoc says if Bastion wasn't their they never would have been attacked by Sentinels, Wolverine caves in saying Havoc's right, they wave good bye and prepare for the Next Mission. Tune in for Part 16 for the Next Mission ;)

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