Patriot Punkcast #64 - How Punk Went Conservative

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Punk has gone conservative, and this episode is a discussion about how that happened and what it means to be "punk."

The Patriot Punk is joined by Amanda, Brian, Jay, Daniel, and Rob to discuss the origins of Punk music and culture, the evolution of it through the decades, and how the REPUBLICAN PARTY became the political party of the true "punks".

We also get to listen to a special band, "American Thought Criminals" who are a local Tennessee punk band with a gig in Knoxville coming up in January.
Follow them on Twitter/X and Soundcloud!

American Thought Criminals -
Last but not least, we apologize for any sound issues, we are in the process of getting things fixed with our ISP to improve on the recent intermittent issues.

Never mind the bollocks, and watch the Patriot Punkcast!

TAGS: Tennessee, American Thought Criminal, Punk Music, Punk goes conservative, is punk conservative, what is punk, punk rock, rebels, rebellious teenagers, music, politics, change, culture war, culture shift, Podcasts, Patriot Punk, Patriot Punkcast, Patriot Punk Network, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Rolling Stones, 70s Music, Punk Podcast, Punk Rock Podcast, Political Punk, Refusenik, BC Price, Amanda Price, Jay American Thought Criminal, English Rob, Unframe of Mind, Daniel Wagner, Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, Election 2024,

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