Vlog - Light Sets Where the LED is Epoxied In or Rigged To Fail (killer fuse) Should Be Avoided

3 months ago

Apologies for the dip in quality, the encoder didn't like the speed/pitch adjustment and thus, there are rendering artifacts present.

If you have a LED light set that has been in constant use, that runs off a timer switch and hasn't failed, chances are it was not rigged to fail.
However if you have experienced a failed set in the past (last year maybe), chances are the fuses (multiple in series, not those in the plug ends) have blown (thermal fuses, or charged ones which "pop" slightly) and are impossible to replace.
Epoxied/glued-in fuses are the worst and I cannot imagine anyone having to go through the chaos of trying to replace (or more) one of those, butchering/destroying the set in the process.

Wire LED types however, don't have this problem. They're usually USB or battery powered (can handle 5 volts DC easily), fully waterproof and last decades. Install and forget they're even there.

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