Parent's need to say NO. Children need to learn & understand rejection.

2 months ago

Sorry I am all over the place explaining this. It is somethat sits heavy on my heart as a parent and as an exeducator. We can not allow kids to run the world. When we allow that, we just lost our position as a person of authority as a parent. This is why democrats and leftists that teach their kids anti-cop, anti-God, is also teaching anti parent. You are undermining your own authority and losing all respect from your kids when you just want kids to be your friends. They have to learn rejection or they turn into spineless people. And the only way they can defend themselves is to mimic the parent. What are these parents doing? Attacking the people that simply want normalcy and want to be left alone.
Whether I am wrong, here or not... i feel like my opinions based on experience has meaning here. My beliefs are an anchor for some of this also, but we need to let our children be kids. They will go through various stages of expression. Changing their sex should NOT be on the table. As an adult, that's a different story. if a person is too young to vote, to drink alcohol, to drive... they should not be allowed to change their sex because of a bad parent, counselor, or doctor. Does the hippcratic oath mean anything anymore?

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