Traffix - Jakarta - Level 3 of 77 - December 2024

2 months ago

Traffix is a traffic simulator. The player controls the traffic lights at intersections and merge lanes, trying to keep traffic moving smoothly while avoiding accidents and keeping driver irritation at a minimum.

How difficult is this game?

The game does not start out too difficult. The tutorial is quite helpful. The game seems to have a good learning curve. Yet, it is also very easy to imagine how this game gets difficult quickly.

What about advertising?

We have not encountered any advertising. We appreciate that.

Any objectionable material? How kid-friendly is this game?

The game itself is fairly kid-friendly. Drivers can get angry and accidents do happen. We do not think that is enough to justify keeping it from children.

That said, this game may bore children. The graphics are simplistic and this game gets complicated. This game may frustrate adults. It would frustrate children.

What are the Pros and Cons?
The game works.
The game is simple to pick up.
Sufficient tutorial.
Good learning curve.
Day and Night mode.

This game can get frustrating.
The music is a little bland. But at least there is music.
While all games can get boring, this one will get boring quicker than others.

Bottom line:
This game appears to be an open-source project or a programming assignment. The game does work and we have not encountered any bugs.

It is a nice change of pace game. A nice addition to your collection.

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