Lunchtime Chats episode 198: Bio-Electric Reality vs AI Control: Understanding The Two Paths of Human Technology | Truth Bombs

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Consciousness acceleration expert Christina reveals the stark difference between harmful artificial electricity systems and natural bio-electric fields that support human evolution. Learn how current AI and EMF technologies affect your body at the nano level, why ancient cultures understood bio-electricity differently, and how we can shift toward life-supporting technologies. Plus, discover why the suppression of zero-point energy technology may be about maintaining consciousness control rather than just profit. Essential viewing for anyone concerned about AI, EMFs, and humanity's technological future.

Key Topics:
* Bio-electric fields vs artificial electricity
* Hidden dangers of nanotech and EMFs
* Ancient wisdom on natural electricity
* Body Area Networks (WBAN)
* Surveillance capitalism exposed
* Solutions for protection
* Community support systems

00:00 - Welcome & Introduction
15:30 - Understanding Bio-Electric Fields
31:45 - Current AI & EMF Dangers
45:20 - Ancient Tech Knowledge
58:40 - Solutions & Community Support
1:07:50 - Closing Thoughts & Resources

#Consciousness #BioElectricity #TechTruth #EMFProtection #HumanEvolution #ArtificialIntelligence #NaturalHealing

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