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Hurricane Hell - Unnatural Disaster
Hurricane Hell - Unnatural Disaster
Lewis Herms from made this boots-on-the-ground documentary, ‘Hurricane Hell – Unnatural Disaster’ about the search, rescue and relief efforts in Western North Carolina that you won’t be hearing about anywhere else, because these efforts were almost entirely private and done by many individuals who simply jumped in their cars or who sent money to help, when it became clear that the State- and Federal Governments were absent – that is, when they weren’t actively working against the victims of the unnatural floods.
Experts on the ground estimate that over 15,000 Americans were killed in this disaster, which is not being reported in the the Mainstream Media and is being covered-up by the authorities. The death toll could be three times that of 9/11, yet the government and media remain disturbingly silent.
This death toll would make Hurricane Helene the greatest natural disaster in US history, edging-out the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, which took between 6,000 and 12,000 lives. There are, however questions as to how “natural” this disaster actually was, with multiple US States now banning Chemtrails.
Other key takeaways from this film:
• There was a complete communications blackout caused by the tornadoes, preceding the floods in three Western North Carolina counties, and by the time authorities issued an Evacuation Warning, it was both too late and there were no cellphone, radio or internet communications.
• Over 24 hours, it rained more than two years’ worth of normal rainfall, following months of drought. Even if the dams were at half-capacity or less, they would not have been able to hold the amount of water that rained down.
• There are unconfirmed reports from locals that dam officials were told to do a slow release of water during the day but instead, they held back and opened-up the dams later, which caused significantly more damage.
• Walls of water rose 15-30-feet in less than 10-15 minutes through the small towns along the river valleys, a surge that came and that was maintained for over four hours. This destroyed many roads, complicating mountain rescue efforts even more.
• In some areas, the water crested 100 feet above normal, with boulders and trees coming off the mountains and homes and buildings churning in the water, at speeds of 75 to 100 miles per hour, with enormous pressure, grinding-up the trucks and cars and trailers and freezers and refrigerators and people, many of whose remains were no longer identifiable.
• FEMA was largely absent. I can personally attest that, after the fourth day, everybody here realized that nobody was coming. The authorities slow-rolled their fake response. It became clear to most in the area, regardless of political affiliation, that the State and Federal governments were not on our side.
• FEMA, at minimum should be subject to a Congressional Investigation and FEMA Director Deanne Criswell should be fired as soon as possible.
• The Red Cross is a top-heavy grifting operation. They seemed more concerned with colluding with North Carolina Child Protective Services, to feed children into the State’s lucrative foster care system than with helping families stay together after the disaster.
• North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper perversely claimed that the above true reports were “Deliberate disinformation and misinformation,” attempting to shame people into complying with his false narrative. He also seemed more concerned with forcing Residents to sell their land than with helping them to recover their properties.
• There were some star turns by the National Guard and by both Active Duty and Retired Veterans, many of whom called into their commanders and took leave, in order to help.
• Individual volunteers from all 50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico – and even a plane sent by the King of Jordan arrived in Western North Carolina to help.
• Samaritan’s Purse was one charity that did do excellent work. Another highly-effective relief effort was done by Savage Freedoms Relief Operations.
• The City of Asheville, itself sits atop a massive lithium deposit worth $830 billion. Activists in Asheville have been constructively fighting a lithium mine operation in Asheville for years.
• Two mines in North Carolina are the world’s only producers of the quartz necessary for semiconductor manufacturing: If they were to stop, it would mean a few years of catastrophic disruption, according Wharton School professor, Ethan Mollick.
• Hurricane Helene had record-breaking winds and rain throughout North Carolina. It had the widest swath of damage, ever recorded. This was actually the 1958 Hurricane Helene of the same name. Lewis Herms notes, “Fun Fact: Helene 2024 is exactly, to the day, 66 years apart from Helene 1958,” and he asks, “Why did Hurricane Helene of 2024 have all the exact same markers as the 1958 event? It was virtually identical…when compared to the current-day accounting of Hurricane Helene’s 2024. Interestingly enough, September 26th, the date that Helene hit land, was altered on the 1958 Hurricane Helene Wikipedia page just two days after we reported on this anomaly!”
• Herms shows us video of a pop-up Government operation in western Kentucky, hundreds of miles away from the zone of the catastrophe, with security guards and a Mobile Command Center and with several dozen freezer trucks and eyewitness reports of a freezer truck filled with over 200 bodies arriving at the beginning of the rescue operation.
If you’re inclined to help the victims of Hurricane Helene, whether physically, in-person or financially, and to connect with those you see in this film, go to Lewis Herms’ site,
by Lewis Herms
Hurricane Helene stands as one of the most devastating disasters in US history, displacing countless families and causing unparalleled destruction. Reports suggest the death toll could be three times that of 9/11, yet the government and media remain disturbingly silent.
In ‘Hurricane Hell,’ we uncover the untold truths behind this catastrophe, explore the conspiracies—fact or fiction—and celebrate the resilience of the American spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity.
When disaster strikes, questions arise. Hurricane Helene left behind devastation like never before, shattering communities across Western North Carolina and Tennessee. In ‘Hurricane Hell: Helene—Unnatural Disaster’, Lewis Herms takes you behind the scenes of one of history’s worst catastrophes, where nothing is as it seems.
Thousands remain unaccounted for, communities are still reeling, and glaring inconsistencies continue to emerge. This is more than just a storm; it’s a mystery waiting to be unraveled.
Why did it happen? What isn’t being told? Join us as we connect the dots in a relentless pursuit of the truth.
(The classic 1959 recording by Louis Armstrong of “What a Wonderful World” plays over drone footage of the green Southern Appalachian Mountains and weather news reports, as we hear successive weather updates on Appalachian Radio WFMA 96.2)
Radio Announcer: You are listening to WFMA 96.2 Appalachian Radio. Looks like a tropical storm named Helene is brewing south of Cuba, heading towards Cancún. Nothing to worry about here though, but we will keep an eye on things for you, right here on WFMA 96.2. It’s our 5PM weather update on Appalachian Radio WFMA 96.2, where Banjos Rule and Beyoncé drools.
• So, Tropical Storm Helene, leaving Cancún has now been upgraded, Folks to a Category 1 Hurricane. This is one of the fastest-moving hurricanes on record. The current predicted path, according to most models has it tracking across Florida, starting south of Tampa and most likely traveling through Orlando with the outer bands hitting Georgia and then heading out to the Atlantic Ocean to die-out.
• Alrighty then, it’s Thursday, September 26th and you’re listening to The Growl morning radio show on WFMA 96.2. Well it’s time to pucker up folks. Overnight, it seems Hurricane Helene has turned north and now has rated a Cat-4 Hurricane. The new track seems to be heading straight for the panhandle of Florida.
• The storm is flying, so based on its extraordinary speed and trajectory, we should see heavy rains and winds, here in the mountains on Friday, although it should start to die out over land shortly thereafter.
• Well, well my Fellow Insomniacs, it’s just about midnight now, heading into Friday and Hurricane Helene is pounding the Gulf side of Florida, with reports of massive damage, due to storm surges of up to 12 feet, in some areas. The experts are estimating Helene will be downgraded, soon to a Tropical Storm, but warnings persist that, based on the record rainfall predicted, the speed of the storm and the wide swath this storm covers, not to mention reports of tornadoes on the outer bands, that it would be wise to “batten down the hatches”.
• At this moment, Folks, there are no signs of an evacuation order, but stay safe. With that said, let’s get into the other news, now on…
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: We had no idea, couldn’t even begin to fathom the amount of damage that had been caused prior. And so, a lot of that issue was because we didn’t have communication with a lot of people.
Prior to this, as you learned earlier, a lot of the areas on the North Carolina side of the mountain had lost their communications, prior to the floods; the biggest part of the storm and the rain. You can argue what caused those comms to go out, but the bottom line is, nobody got any warning. They didn’t have a chance. They never got those warnings.
IC – Dan (Reaper) Avery County Airfield: If that water ripped through a valley or a draw, and you had about 100 houses in there, and a report to EVAC didn’t get out on time, or they were asleep already, how would people know to EVAC?
Relief Coordinator, Brandy – West Yancey Fire Department: So, what happened was, there was no cell phone service. So, this happened, between Thursday night and Friday morning, with the majority of it coming early Friday morning with the… We had flash flooding, like a couple days before, and then the actual hurricane just poured down, I think, what was it, 30 inches on Mt. Mitchell?
Relief Coordinator, Randy – West Yancey Fire Department: I’ve heard 30-plus inches on Mt. Mitchell.
Relief Coordinator, Brandy – West Yancey Fire Department: So, it just rushed off that mountain.
Relief Coordinator, Randy – West Yancey Fire Department: That feeds the three rivers. It feeds into the Nolichucky River, it goes into Erwin, so all three rivers are just extremely flooded and washing.
Relief Coordinator, Brandy – West Yancey Fire Department: But there was literally, there was absolutely no cell phone service – at all – anywhere, in the County – anywhere in three counties!
(Extraordinary images of “Before” and “After” Hurricane Helene)
Lewis Herms: There was extraordinary tornado activity, which flattened wide areas of forest. The record rainfall was devastating and the timing of the dam releases were suspect, at best.
The aftermath in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee looked like absolute war zones. The damage and death caused by Hurricane Helene will be shown to be historically unprecedented.
It’s unnatural.
Previous to Helene, the largest natural disaster in US history was the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, which took between 6,000 and 12,000 lives.
Is it possible that the 2024 Hurricane Helene is the largest weather disaster, in terms of total deaths on record? If so, why would this fact be hidden from the public?
A few days after the storm passed, our team canceled several scheduled events and headed towards North Carolina to see how we could assist in rescue and support.
Unfortunately, many roads were completely impassable, so we decided to head to the Gulf Coast of Florida to help our friends who were already boots-on-the-ground, making a difference.
After a few days in Florida, we started working closely with rescuers and coordinators in North Carolina to do whatever we could to help, considering that we lived outside the affected areas. Through coordinating and driving donations, I built relationships with boots-on-the-ground volunteers.
In turn, I received several requests to tell the stories of these victims and heroes in the more mountainous regions. They felt that they were being completely ignored and often gas-lit by several entities. Therefore, a few of us from our team decided to get boots-on-the-ground in Western North Carolina, to help and embed ourselves with the rescue and recovery teams, meet the people affected and tell the truth with an authentic grassroots perspective.
What we quickly learned was enlightening, to say the least. In general, the residents in these areas have a special rugged character about them. Many have seen severe weather situations before and in most cases, would have chosen to stay in their modest homes and wait it out. Unfortunately, without getting the Emergency Evacuation Order, they never had a chance to make an informed decision.
We noticed after meeting, the Incident Commander, Zach McFarlane and several locals, that the Mainstream Media and many social media influencers, as a whole were not telling the true story. It seemed every story became politicized or sensationalized for various agendas.
What was heartening is that we were blessed, in discovering the American Spirit to be alive and well.
People of all backgrounds and political affiliations put their differences aside and cared about one thing: working together to get the job done, whatever that job was.
Now, warning: we are not intentionally telling the story with a political tilt, although the truth is so obvious, after investigating with boots-on-the-ground and an open mind, that light will shine where it is needed. Whether it triggers you. politically or spiritually; positively or negatively is not our concern. Our goal was to be authentic, regardless of what was revealed.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: We received a little over 2 years of rainfall in less than 24 hours. Prior to that – 3 weeks prior to that, we were in a drought. Ans then, it began to rain everyday and then, a little more, little more, little more, until we got to the point where we were either at or near flood stage in a lot of these coun ties, a lot of these areas.
By the time the storm hit, we were actually inundated, already. And then we had the flooding.
The storm, by itself would have been enough, but with everything being inundated, you had the dry, washed-out vegetation from the stuff that had already died, and then, of course everything had gotten mud, so we were already experiencing landslides and things of that nature.
So when the storm actually hit – and the deluge that it hit – it overwhelmed, obviously not just the people on the ground in these areas that were hardest-hit, but the river system, itself. It just wasn’t designed to handle that much water.
Even if we were [the dams] at half-capacity or less, we wouldn’t have been able to hold the amount that we got. Period.
By the time it got to us, we’d seen areas rise 15-, 20-, 30-feet deep in less than 10, 15 minutes. I mean, it was just, it was a surge – but that surge didn’t just come and go. That surge came and maintained for four, four and a half hours.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #1: So, as we work these recovery sites, the devastation areas are mainly along the riverbeds, and they’re massive. The amount of water that was released from the dams and Helene, itself kind of catapulted everything into making it a much bigger problem. The terrain, alone also plays a big factor in that; being a mountainous region.
You have extra debris and that water building up speed and power as it goes downhill, going into some of the lower-lying areas, and once it washes things out, it hits with quite a big bit of force, like that of a freight train.
So when you’re seeing these debris fields, they’re massive, they’re sprawled-out, they’re very difficult to search, because they’re very compacted, due to the force of the water.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: When we put everything together initially, it was, we knew there was going to be a cry for help, obviously. We had no idea the extent that that was going to be. We had no idea how long it was going to go for. We had no idea that the waters were going to be 50, 60 feet, in some areas. We had no clue what we were up against – and rightfully so. Nothing like this has ever happened.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: These people actually live out in the mountains, remote, because that’s what they want to do. That is their best life.
And so, when you go up and you see missing houses with foundation gone, you see that there’s no signs of where the home went and it’s relocated – I’ll tell you, I talked to a vet yesterday and he said it was supposed to be a “slow release of water” and that it’s, and that was done, you know, middle of the night time. And then all of a sudden, chaos happened.
When homes are relocated and they’re thousands of feet away from their base, where the foundation slab is, you absolutely know that the travesty is there. We’ve seen and had testimonials of people that have been in their homes as it’s floating, trying to get access out, because they were trapped by the flood of water that was coming through their area. There’s areas that are wrecked, absolutely wrecked. And we’re finding pictures, we’re finding photos.
Adam Smith, Founder A lady came up here, asked us to go help clear their RV site, so that way, they can look at getting insurance up there and everything else. We sent a gentleman out there and he was clearing all the trees away. There’s a car crushed by an RV, and he asked if they knew where the only car was, because he was going to pull it out.
And they said, “Well, if there are cars there, then they were an RV, because their only other place to go would have been up there in the lower house, there’s no other place around.”
So, you know, and they said, “We haven’t heard from him since,” and he had, I think he had like two families in there at the time. So, we haven’t heard from any of them, but we cleared-out their area.
There’s a few other places we kind-of cleared-out. We found a 40-foot mill van that I guess was on top of the ridge, got washed down that ridge and took out a bunch of houses while it was being washed down the ridge, as well.
So, you know, it’s coming down a good 100 miles an hour, that water pressure and everything.
So, if people didn’t know about the Evacuation, they were in their homes, you know, there’s a lot of that.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: Nobody anticipated the amount of rain that we were going to get. Two years’ worth of rain in less than 24 hours, on top of the conditions we already had.
So, when that happened, you started seeing the sides of mountains slip off. You started seeing major thoroughfares, roadways, which you saw that today, with the Blue Ridge Parkway. Just sections of these only access points, in or out, being taken out. So even if you did get out, you couldn’t get far.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Volunteer from Hatch Local: If you look down the bank, you know, the water’s even still kind of high compared to the way it’s normally running. And you could see the debris in the trees, like the water was above our heads, even being 15, 20 feet above where the water is now.
Elias from Savage Freedoms Operations: Basically, there’s piles that they’re digging, and piles of rust and debris because the cadaver dogs are getting hits. So, you know, there’s somebody there. But they’ve dug as far as 70 feet down of debris. The piles are that big.
And so now, we’re utilizing some helicopters that we got back. And also, if you see the tree planted behind that tow truck, there’s a vehicle on there which is called a SHERP. That just came in yesterday. It’s an amphibious vehicle, which is going to be a huge asset for us to be able to hit the road banks all the way up.
Our dogs go in, they get the hits, they mark it, you know, and then our chainsaw teams and stuff like that, excavator teams come in and excavate it. And we’re doing that as much as we can right now.
Relief Coordinator, Brandy – West Yancey Fire Department: This end of the county, we have areas that were hit pretty hard. Right here where the Fire Department is, it’s OK. But the other end of the County looks like a nuclear bomb went off. Everything’s just ripped out of the ground.
And, you know, these roads and little communities are like miles and miles long. And there’s just, you know, there used to be homes and buildings, you know, one after the other. And now it’s just wiped out. There’s nothing.
Flood victim: The water was like, this [waist] deep and it came back inside and it went, “Boom!” And I looked and a big old tree had just hit it. But when it was coming down, it was clipping other big trees with it.
So then all these trees, they just hit, they went, “Bam!” – hit the house. And, “Boom!” again, it split into pieces and it just split down the middle. And my sister looked and it was like a 20-foot wall of mud, dirt, everything.
I shoved her on the bed and she grabbed a little dog and then the house just split apart. We stayed on a mattress for about five miles and went down a river.
Unnamed interviewer: You rode down the river on a mattress for five miles?
Flood Victim #1: Yeah.
Unnamed interviewer: You’re kidding me.
Flood Victim #1: We had a little bit of a house behind us and then we ended up slamming into a rubble.
Unnamed interviewer: The debris?
Flood Victim #1: Yeah. The mattress snapped in half and slung-shot me way, over there. She went down and all I had was my nightgown and underwear. And I was like scooting across trees and everything, after I looked: “I’m not broken!”
And I called over and it took me an hour to get her pulled up and the dog. And then we spent the rest of that night hanging on. We put plastic bags on our heads trying to stay warm and just huddled-up to each other.
Flood Victim #2: And tried [to grab] whatever was [foating down] around us.
Flood Victim #1: Yeah, I caught a cane floating by. Then I found a bottle of water floating by.
Flood Victim #2: Two trucks floated down the creek. The water was going about 75 miles an hour.
Unnamed interviewer: Oh my gosh.
Flood Victim #2: And when I was in the water, it just took my shoes right off me.
Unnamed interviewer: How did you eventually get rescued?
Flood Victim #1: I thought I heard people talking and I’m like, “No, that was nobody.” And then, I’m like, “It’s an angel!” I really did, because she’s the sweetest little lady. And she started hollering and I hollered back and she goes, “Stay there!”
So they had to go get like a bunch of men to come down there. Big saws. It took them like 45 minutes, cutting trees to even get to us, because they thought we were dead. Nobody thought we could survive.
Lewis Herms: A few days later, these brave sisters went back to their land to assess the damage. Unfortunately, the only thing left was a porch. Next to the steps, though, laid this Bible.
(Cut to Lewis Herms on the scene at the massive flood at Chimney Rock, interviewing Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2)
Lewis Herms: Based on just what you’ve seen, do you think, so you don’t think the death report of 200 is legitimate?
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: It’s absolutely inaccurate. I know the death of the smell of death. And we’ve walked along these rivers. We walked along these areas. And no. There’s no way – I can tell you right now: I can hit more spots, smelling decomposition of the human body, to know that that’s an inaccurate number.
Lewis Herms: And you’ve heard reports also of numbers in certain locations. Is that right?
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: I have. It’s up into the thousands. Because there’s people that are unaccounted-for…We found a catheter with an adult diaper that we’re digging out-of-site, today to try to see where this body is, because we’ve dug that up. And that’s where our dogs are hitting. So, I mean, you know the bodies are there. You can smell them. You know, you know that I’ve walked past more than 200 spots, in multiple areas of the State, surrounding Asheville.
Lewis Herms: And you’re one person.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: And I’m one person.
(Cut to Lewis Herms on the scene with Elias from Savage Freedoms Operations)
Lewis Herms: From your experience, how many bodycount have you heard of?
Elias from Savage Freedoms Operations: It’s a lot. All I can say, right now without vetting the information is hundreds. And it’s triple to quadruple times what you hear on the news.
And the other thing, what I’ve heard on the news is basically they only report the deaths that are caused directly in the storm. There are so many deaths that have been indirectly to the storm: A nursing home not getting their oxygen. Somebody not getting their insulin, their medication, stuff like that. That is huge, out here.
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Rachel: They say, I mean, they’ve been saying about 100 or so people are missing. We’re talking about 1,200 people, at least.
Lewis Herms: In just this area, alone?
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Rachel: Just this area, alone.
Lewis Herms: One town?
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Rachel: About one town, 13 minutes outside the heart of Downtown Asheville.
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Birke: “Unaccounted-for” just means that nothing’s been found. You know, there’s been no confirmations. And that’s really what we’re trying to do, out here; to be able to confirm, you know, where those people are.
Lewis Herms: What would you say, your estimate of the death toll would be closer to?
Adam Smith, Founder Well, between Avery, Yancey and Mitchell, we’ve been through all three of those counties. And when we’ve gone through some of these towns, we look at the population or look up the population, trying to figure out who we can find. About 50% to 60% of the houses in a lot of those areas are gone. If it was like 200 to 300 living there or 400 to 600 living there, there’s maybe 10, 15 houses left out of all of that.
I’d say we’re in maybe the 10,000-area [are dead], you know, at least…If all these people lost their homes, where are they?
I mean, I know people have family and not everybody lost their home. They may be too proud to go to a shelter, but…
Lewis Herms: So the official count from the Governor of North Carolina, at this time, on this date is 92 dead [this is one month after Hurricane Helene]. What would you say about that?
Adam Smith, Founder Somebody needs to do some better accounting. I mean, we’re three weeks into this thing. If they weren’t home and they’re alive, they’d come back. They’d come back to check on their stuff, get in – touch base with family and friends – and let them know they’re OK, by now.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: A lot of suicides, a lot of death, and whatever Mainstream [Media] is telling you is bullsh¡t.
Lewis Herms: I want to go into that, because what we’re hearing from the Federal Government and the Mainstream Media is “200 deaths, total” in Hurricane Helene. That’s the number. That’s the official number. We’re hearing from the North Carolina governor, I believe, “95” as of a few days ago.
So, when we talk to boots-on-the ground, we’re getting a completely different message. You’re boots-on-the-ground. What have you been seeing in regards to death and missing?
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: In the first week, first very-initial totals, rough estimates we put together were over a thousand. And that was just in the first couple of days, when we started talking to people. And you take that with a grain of salt, because there’s a lot of speculation.
There’s a lot of speculation. And then, there’s a lot of this and that and misinformation going around…They started doing independent research, which is the best thing that could possibly happen. Everybody’s talking to everybody. And when they do that, we started getting real numbers. We started getting realistic data.
And then, we started getting confirmed data and stuff that we could back-up and say, “OK, I’m safe to say there’s X hundred dead in this town. There’s X hundred missing in this town.” And we started peeling those numbers together.
And by the end of the first week, within the first eight days, we had surpassed 6,000. By the end of the second week, we were well surpassed 10,000. And we’re three weeks in. And in three counties that I know of, in addition to some of these other pockmarked areas, I’m comfortable to say it’s over 15,000 [dead]. And we’re not talking about Asheville. Asheville is its own beast. That’s its own thing, altogether.
Relief Coordinator, Brandy – West Yancey Fire Department: So Asheville and Swannanoa: A lot of people that have done this for years; we’ve had cadaver dogs, professionals in, and they’ve been out in the field and they weren’t allowed to recover [civilians wer not allowed to recover bodies, due to “crime scene preservation”. When a body is discovered, it must be reported to the authorities] but they had a lot of “hits”.
And if you look at these riverbanks, it’s just – they flagged where the hits were. And it’s just flag after flag after flag after flag after flag. And, you know, when you have water that hits the sides of these mountains at in some areas, 100 feet, and you have boulders come off the mountains and you have mountaintops slide off and you have homes and buildings in that churning water with trucks and cars and trailers and freezers and refrigerators and things like that, all churning with people, you know, you don’t always find identifiable – you just imagine, putting an ice cube in a blender with strawberry and see what happens.
(Graphic: The official number of dead and missing seems to be the biggest point of contention with the residents and the volunteers. All political classes are very angry that it appears State and Federal authorities seem to be hiding something. Why do they not want us to know the numbers?)
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #1: I personally have not seen any support from the government. We hear tales that they’re out there, but on the ground level, on the day-to-day, operations side, we don’t feel much help from Government, at all – especially, from the Federal side.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Volunteer from Hatch Local: I mean, I can’t say that I’ve seen any agencies working, as far as like, debris-removal or that sort of thing. There’s definitely a lot of outreach with catastrophe help and that kind of stuff. But those seem more like, private. (Contractor). I mean, I haven’t hardly seen a lot of Red Cross, really, at all. I know Verizon and Sprint, they sent some trucks around to try to get people cell service and stuff.
Lewis Herms: But technically, no one is here assisting with this recovery or anything?
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Volunteer from Hatch Local: No.
Lewis Herms: Just locals and people out of state?
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Volunteer from Hatch Local: Locals, yeah.
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Rachel: Basically, you go up this river and over right over there, that’s where I live. Yeah, I live along the Swannanoa River. I am working to bring my neighbors home.
Lewis Herms: And have you seen any outside influences, Red Cross, FEMA, anyone to come in and assist with any search recovery, search rescue?
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Rachel: No. This is all just everyday people, people that live here, people that come from other states. That’s who has been coming to help and help bring people home.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: I have not been a part of any government entities that has wanted to assist efforts. That being said, I have not come across FEMA. The first Red Cross vans I’ve seen was coming out of Asheville today and coming into this site to meet you. And I saw seven of their vans, but that’s the first time I’ve seen them.
And I have been all the way up to Spruce Pine, to Banner Elk, to Yancey County, and down here, in Swannanoa. I have not encountered any FEMA.
Lewis Herms: You haven’t encountered any FEMA, and you’ve been all over the place.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: We have been all over. We have surrounded Asheville in assisting those in need.
Elias from Savage Freedoms Operations: They’re doing great with the 101st, Active Duty, also came to help us. If you have been here a couple days ago, when they come, they line up. Their convoys all the way down. They come get orders, and they go up. It’s been absolutely amazing.
Lewis Herms: (Speaking to camera) So you could hear that the National Guard here is actually helping, which is good news. We’ve got intel to tell the story.
Elias from Savage Freedoms Operations: Exactly. In fact, we were able to release a bit on The Blaze that let us tell the real story, of how the National Guard’s been helping us, and they actually extended their orders. Now we have them for longer. So we are very grateful.
Took a little bit, with the communication, make sure we got in, make sure we reached out to them, first before they reached out to us. Made the connection, said, “Hey, we’re here to help.” And, you know, communication is key with us, for sure.
I would just like to re-iterate, again. A lot of this stuff around – let’s put it this way: FEMA and the ‘Guard, the National Guard – two very different entities, and have literally worked completely differently.
Obviously, we have our run-ins with FEMA. Everybody has. We’ve been able to work through that. We’ve been able to work with them as much as we can. The National Guard, on the other hand, has been absolutely extremely helpful.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: And that’s where we started getting into things like Red Cross, Samaritan’s Purse – and I hate to put those two names together, because they’re opposite sides of the fence! Samaritan’s Purse, I will tell you, has been absolutely phenomenal through this entire event.
Lewis Herms: We hear the same.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: I’ve seen them in multiple locations. They’re the first boots-on-the-ground we saw from any type of organized, whatever. They have been phenomenal.
Red Cross, exact opposite (On-screen graphic with note that “Red Cross workers have been seen taking pictures of donations from private sources, claiming that they are Red Cross donations”) . Saw them twice, and both of them are a scam.
We’re hearing things from FEMA like, “Oh, go to our website, go on our app, check this out. They got great resources.” How the Hell are you going to do that, if you haven’t had power for three weeks? If you’re not sucked into whatever it is, and if you still have a phone, okay? Let alone, your car is gone, your house is gone, your roads are gone! You don’t even have access to the things you need. So that, in and of itself, is a joke.
The people I talked to that applied for the immediate $750 assistance thing, that’s an absolute joke. Literally, everyone I’ve talked to has been denied!
Now, the other thing we’re hearing is, “Somebody’s going to help us.” You heard this in the conversation today. “Somebody’s going to help us with this, and somebody’s going to help us with that.” But the delay is they “Can’t release the funds for FEMA reimbursement, because they got to write legislation for this, in order to do that. Because this hasn’t been done before.”
We have contingency plans in the government for a Zombie Apocalypse, and we don’t have a contingency plan for a hurricane hitting the mountains. The bottom line, is the Government has showed us flat-out they’re not on our side. So why trust anything else they say?
After about the fourth day, we realized, “We’re all we got.” Like, there’s nobody coming. And so, that mindset set-in, real quick of, “Not only are we not getting saved, they’ve just proven whose side they’re on and it isn’t ours. I don’t care whose side they are on. It’s not ours. They’re against us.”
Lewis Herms: (Narrating) Our team approached this venture with an open mind and a commitment to find the truth. Even though we heard stories of FEMA obstructing, taking property, lying, and several other accusations, we were open to it not being true. Unfortunately, virtually every accusation we investigated had proven-out to be true.
What we have determined is FEMA has set up a few higher-profile locations, and the reports from those are not positive. But in the vast number of cases, they are nowhere to be found. It almost seems like they are more interested in a photo opportunity than doing good work.
As of the filming of this documentary, about three and a half weeks after the event, we had conducted dozens of interviews and only one person had received a $750 FEMA check. Many others were denied and/or found it much too hard to fill out the paperwork, as many still don’t have phones to access the FEMA forms.
You would think FEMA would get to the affected areas with pen and paperwork to help these folks, but it doesn’t seem to be their priority. Many FEMA workers are staying in cushy hotel rooms, while displaced citizens and volunteers are sleeping in tents, on cots, and a few motels.
At this rate – and regardless of your political ideology – we should agree that FEMA, at minimum should be subject to a Congressional Investigation and the Director [Deanne Criswell] should be fired.
In addition, there are several reports of local sheriffs frustrated with the Federal Government, as well. Overall, the volunteers and some law enforcement have decided to ignore the Feds and do the work they refuse to do.
Ah, conspiracies. This is a very divisive topic. For those that believe everything and those that believe nothing, this one is for you.
There are those that feel everything is a conspiracy and repost every tall tale as “fact”, without looking into it. There is a vast Truther community, where some do their due diligence and give you the goods to prove their theory. Frankly, there are enough conspiracy facts to hang your hat on today, so why make anything up?
Then you have the deniers. These people are completely programmed by the System, meaning, they have massive Cognitive Dissonance, and generally parrot a fixed narrative and refuse to do any research. The Mainstream Media, entertainers, educators, even some clergymen and the Government are their daily influences. They tell them what to think and what to say. This is a safe place for many to live as it doesn’t bust the bubble of illusion, in which they reside.
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper: Deliberate disinformation and misinformation – that has been condemned by a bipartisan coalition of Local, State, and Federal North Carolina officials – needs to stop. It hurts the very people we are all trying to help
(On-screen graphics note: “Governor Cooper tries to shame us into complying with their false narrative”)
It discourages and makes people fearful of signing up for help. It enables scam artists and it hurts the morale of government officials, first responders, and soldiers, who are on the ground trying to help.
Lewis Herms: (Narrating) Once upon a time, there was a hurricane named Helene that was documented as the strongest hurricane of a season. It was a Category 4 when it hit land. It was considered the fastest-moving hurricane in decades. It hit the Florida coast on September 26th.
It had record-breaking winds and rain throughout North Carolina. It had the widest swath of damage, ever recorded. This was actually the 1958 Hurricane Helene of the same name.
Why did Hurricane Helene of 2024 have all the exact same markers as the 1958 event? It was virtually identical, according to Wikipedia’s 1958 Hurricane Helene post, when compared to the current-day accounting of Hurricane Helene’s 2024.
Interestingly enough, September 26th, the date that Helene hit land, was altered on the 1958 Hurricane Helene Wikipedia page just two days after we reported on this anomaly!
Most of it still remains. Funny that it would change suddenly, after being on the page for over a decade prior. Well, that’s fine. We understand the game. So we took a screenshot of the original post including the date before it was manipulated.
Fun Fact: Helene 2024 is exactly, to the day, 66 years apart from Helene 1958.
66. Hmmm. With all the evidence of weather manipulation, patents, HAARP, chemtrails, that are now being outlawed in several states by the way, cloud-seeding and Directed Energy weather devices, some, in their perpetual Cognitive Dissonance, will still believe NOAA when they say, “Fact-check, debunking weather modification claims: No one creates or steers hurricanes. The technology does not exist.”
Well, NOAA, as Shakespeare once wrote, “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.”
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: We had issues where we knew this was coming. So some people ordered supplies ahead of time and those trucks were sabotaged on the way to us. And their tires sliced and drivers were being harassed.
And then, in other instances, they were being turned around and being like, “Oh, we’re good, go somewhere else.” You know, “We don’t need supplies in this county, dah, dah, dah”. And luckily, that got squashed pretty quick. That was very short-lived.
But it did create a big disruption, right off the bat. And it was all through Tennessee, Kentucky and some other areas. So it was organized.
And whichever way you want to take that, I really don’t care. But the bottom line is, somebody intentionally did that to disrupt that supply line. So that, right there shows that somebody’s got evil intents, however you want to look at it; to organize something like that for people that they don’t know anything about.
That irritated the Hell out of a lot of people, when that information started being confirmed. It was, “OK, there’s more to this.”
(Montage of different news headlines: “Armed Militia ‘Hunting FEMA’ Causes Hurricane Responders to Evacuate” -FALSE – “Hurricane Helene was Directed to ‘Kill’ Republicans! FALSE – “Nuclear Waste Spill and Dogs Dying” – UNLIKELY –
I beg to differ from Leis Herms on this. I discussed this in the comments to a Substack post I made on October 25th, during the 3-week infrastructure outage in Western North Carolina and later, on November 10th, when I attended a talk by Billy at Perma Pasture Farms, who informed our group that ALL 10 of the cadaver dogs from one private relief group had by that date died:
According to this new Generative AI response I just got [on October 25th] from Google, “Barrel” is a specific nuclear industry term that does not refer to the 55-gallon drums used for petroleum and other substances:
“A nuclear fuel barrel, also known as a dry cask, is a container used to store spent nuclear fuel after it has been cooled in a spent fuel pool:
“A nuclear fuel barrel is typically a steel cylinder that is sealed and bolted or welded shut. The fuel rods are surrounded by an inert gas. The cylinder is then placed inside a concrete or steel outer shell to provide radiation shielding.
“Casks can be stored vertically or horizontally on a concrete pad.
“Dry cask storage is a method for safely managing, recycling, or disposing of used nuclear fuel.
“Dry cask storage lowers the risk of spent fuel in several ways, including: Less heat in the pool: With less fuel in the pool, it takes longer for the water to boil away and heat up. More time for workers: With less fuel in the pool, workers have more time to respond to a loss of water or cooling. Lower radioactive material emissions: If an accident occurs, the amount of radioactive material released from the pool will be lower. Spent nuclear fuel is a radiation hazard for a long time, with half-lives as high as 24,000 years.”
Here’s a Wikipedia article on what these things look like.
According to a video I saw, reporting hearsay yesterday, these “barrels” escaped into the raging floodwaters and floated downstream.
Meanwhile, authorities announced a few days ago that it was now “safe” to go swimming in downstream Lake Douglas!
And then, I hear from my friend yesterday, an ex-Marine and retired private Asset Recovery contractor from his friend, an active private military contractor, someone with a security clearance in Tennessee who was able to tell him that he was able to confirm that there was a “leak” from the plant and that it was “not under control” (see my post below) but he was “not allowed to talk about it”.
I don’t know if this “leak” relates to the truck or the “barrels” in that truck that escaped into the river or if he’s talking about another kind of leak.
(Resuming transcript of this film)
Lewis Herms: (Narrating) After the final edits of this film, October 31st, we have verified that the water being tested in several areas is rated completely unusable and highly-toxic.
In fact, when a scale should be at one, some are rating as high as 26 on the toxicity scale.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: We’ve had a lot of reports of semis being reloaded with donated items. But we do know that these things are going to Reservations, where they’re not just going to the Indian community, but they’re also going to these immigrant communities, which are being housed on these Reservations.
So once that information came to light, again, it changed the dynamic because it makes sense. Everybody’s saying, “Oh, they’re going to Chicago, they’re going here, they’re going there.” Now, they’re coming across the border, still at the same pace that they were, whether they’re televising or not.
Where are they going? Where do you hide millions of people? Well, you hide them in the mountains. You hide them in Reservations where cameras aren’t going to go, where the laws are different, where backdoor handshakes are taking place.
Lewis Herms: So in essence, you’re saying that people with their hearts are giving to donation sites, some semis are picking them up from the donation sites, filling them up, as if they’re going to go do good with them, dropping them off at the Reservations, and potentially illegal immigrants are the beneficiaries of those donations.
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: That’s what we’re hearing. Correct.
Lewis Herms: Wow. Yeah. That’s crazy. (On-screen note: LIKELY)
(Graphic of dam floodgate opened, with the text: “There were a few reports from locals that Dam officials were told to do. aslow release of water during the day but held back and opened-up the Dams later which caused significantly more damage” with note: UNCONFIRMED
Korri Hendrickson, Firefighter/Investigator: So, the last few years, how far back it goes, I’m not sure, but for at least the last few recent years that I’m aware of, Asheville has been constructively fighting a lithium mine operation going on in Asheville.
(Graphic of news headline: “Two mines in North Carolina are the world’s only producer of the quartz necessary for semiconductor manufacturing: If they were to stop, it would mean. afew years of catastrophic disruption, says Wharton professor, Ethan Mollick” with note: TRUE)
Again, like you said, the quartz that they have down there, the mica, I’ve been told it’s the world’s largest deposit of it [lithium], to the tune of something like $830 billion worth of material, under Town [Asheville].
We already know what’s going on with China. So they want to get their hands on anything. That’s one Hell of an investment. Is that motivation to take a town out? Bet your ass it is! There’s a lot of money to be made.
In addition to that, they’re already inundating us, trying to get resources and land. I mean, that’s proven. They’ve been buying-up everything.
We’ve already seen, just since this storm hit, people are being offered, “Hey, we’ll buy your land. Hey, we’ll buy your land. It’s okay. I’m involved with a government-backed program where…”
“Man, what do you want my land for? There’s nothing left! My house is gone! This is gone! I’ve got a mortgage, a 30-year mortgage, on a piece of dirt that’s downriver somewhere. And it’s just a square on a map, now.”
“I don’t care. I’ll buy it.”
Why the Hell would anybody be that desperate to buy trashed land – and especially, be government-backed? And then, you’ve got other people that are looking to buy more than pay-off for whatever your existing mortgage was, back when you had a housing value on it. Why is that?
So, as this goes on, we’re starting to hear chatter that FEMA is making comments about property purchases. Now, if that’s one representative or if that’s something official on the board, it’s yet to be verified. So, take your speculation with that.
Lewis Herms: I’ll tell you what is verified: The governor of North Carolina just said publicly…
(Rolls video of North Carolina’s Governor Roy Cooper with onscreen note: TRUE)
Governor Roy Cooper: “You know, in some areas, you just shouldn’t build back. And we’ve been able to convince certain communities and people that buy-outs are better.”
(Rolls video of @AppalachianPrepper2.0 on TikTok with onscreen note: TRUE)
@AppalachianPrepper2.0: So, the Red Cross is pulling their shelters out of North Carolina, basically giving the survivors who have nothing left a swift kick in the teeth. Then North Carolina Child Protective Services says, “If you don’t have a safe and secure place to take your children, we’re going to take them from you.” But it’s not just the people in these shelters that need to be concerned. If a mental health worker comes to interview you and you, as a homeless disaster survivor, pour your heart out to this mental health professional, including how hard it is to take care of your children in these times, they’re going to have a solution for you.
“But it’s not going to be one you’re going to like. They’re going to take your children as a ward of the state. Why does the state of North Carolina want to take these children into custody and place them in the foster care system, while doing absolutely nothing for their parents, I might add?
“The answer is there is massive State- and Federal funding, that creates a huge motive to seize these children. While little-to-no funding is available to help their parents, especially with their housing issues.” (Graphic instructs viewers to watch Lewis Herms’ earlier film, ‘Cages’)
(Graphics card: Is This a Land Grab or Worse?)
Lewis Herms: (Narrating over video of dozens of freezer trucks in Kentucky) This is a pop-up Government operation in western Kentucky, with security and a mobile command center. There is several dozen freezer trucks here. We have reports that someone at the beginning of the rescue operation saw a freezer truck filled with over 200 bodies. If the deaths are minimal in North Carolina, why would they need so many trucks?
Lewis Herms: (On-camera with West Yancey Fire Department relief coordinators, Brandy and Randy) If you can give me a number of like percentage of We the People doing the work versus Government, what would that percentage be?
Randy: Here in this fire department, basically 100%. Now, with that being said, the National Guard did stop and offer the help, like I spoke before. They did come back, one day this week and a lot of clothes have come in. And they did come in and help sort clothes out to divide those out.
But they would have been here if we’d asked them, more than likely, as for the National Guard. As far as the rest of Government help – we haven’t – I don’t think we’ve even been offered, have we?
Brandy: Not that I know of. This is, I would say, the majority of what you’re seeing, as far as relief goes, has been private.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: It is the people in the communities and it is a genuine, American effort to come together and to mobilize and to help our Brothers and Sisters.
I mean, there is no color. There’s no culture. There’s no religion. It’s just Americans coming together to help Americans. And with that, it’s very fluid. The collaboration is tight and it is running like a good force.
Adam Smith, Founder 90% of people up here are helping. I’ve had people from every state in the US, so all 50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico, even had the Jordanian King’s plane come in here and deliver items to us. Three different flights come in. And hopefully, he don’t get mad because I said that, but you know.
Lewis Herms: No, no, we care about the truth.
Adam Smith, Founder That’s right. So, but, you know, he was in full support and he’s an Ally. So, I know a lot of Veterans, Active and Retired that came up through here, came through this airport, walked those hills. Guys took leave. You know, they went and called in their commander like, “Hey, we’re taking leave. We’re going to go up there. It’s our mountains. It’s our neck of the woods.”
So they came out and helped-out. And they spent two, three weeks. I had multiple SAR [Search and Rescue] teams in here.
Guys just come rolling up with a trailer full of side-by-sides. You know, “Where do you need me? Plotted on maps and we cleared our maps. (Pointing to map) All the pink areas – within these pink areas, is where our people have been, pretty much.
We have some areas, up here that we’re re-verifying, because some of the guys that went up there, they checked the main roads and they couldn’t get up a lot of these roads. I know there’s a big military presence, here (pointing to to location). So we got down and checked all these.
I got a mule team out there, right now. It’s a two-man mule team.
Elias from Savage Freedoms Operations: I’m here with Savage Freedoms Relief Operations. We’ve been based out of here, since Saturday, which happened when Adam Smith posted on Facebook and basically said he wanted a helicopter. And they went and got his daughter. And this is how this whole thing started. And he’s been a great leader. And we don’t even know how this has grown to this. It’s just a God Thing.
(Roll video of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump in Asheville on October 21st, with Mike Stewart, owner of Pine View Builders in Swannanoa, praying for Donald Trump in the aftermath of Helene, October 21, 2024)
Mike Stewart: Father, I thank You for this man that You have raised up in this moment, in this season, for Your purposes. And I pray that You would anoint him. That things aren’t done just by might or by power, but by Your Spirit.
So I ask that You would anoint President Donald Trump and give him a Spirit of Wisdom and understanding and insight, as he moves to lead this nation back to greatness. In Jesus’ name, I pray it.
Lewis Herms: (Narrating) I imagine that some people turned this film off the moment they saw President Trump.
That’s very, very sad. Our nation and the world has become so divided, politically that we have trouble looking through an unbiased lens and judging each situation on its merits. Somehow, people found it “political” when President Trump flew into Georgia and North Carolina and asked we the people to step up with the American spirit and help.
His first intervention drove millions in donations, massive volunteer forces, and exponential attention to this tragedy.
His second visit was that of support in the message he delivered from the same spot my team stood 24 hours prior.
He, as we understood, knew that we cannot turn a blind eye to the recovery efforts that are ongoing.
Somehow, people with an agenda also tried to twist Elon Musk’s efforts of immediately bringing in Starlinks and Mobile Starlinks for the rescue teams as “political”. They were a tremendous help in the rescue and recovery efforts. Sometimes, things are purely common sense and the right thing to do.
Thank you, President Trump. Thank you, Elon Musk, for doing the right thing at the right time.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #1: When Hurricane Helene hit, I’m seeing the devastation of my community, my backyard, along with other veterans. We mobilized and we eventually started putting our skills to use for the Greater Good of our community.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: Eight firefighters have been over here. I think we’re close to $8,000 to $10,000 deep of our own money. And the biggest thing is fuels. I’ll tell you, we came up with two fifth-wheels.
And I cannot tell you how many people have taken showers or stayed in our trucks, where we’ve all bunked-up and done multiples, just in the effort to help the people in this community. And we filled gas tanks.
People haven’t had gas because they don’t have a job. The site where they worked has been washed away or no longer inhabitable. And so, they have no money. I literally gave a guy $100 this morning coming out, because I could see him taking $5 in change out to put in his gas tank.
And he’s like, “My wife lost her job. My business is no longer there and operational.” And they’re unemployed. So, I don’t know how they’re doing, at home. But it’s like, what do you do? So I hand him a $100 bill and he’s like, “No, I can’t take it.” I’m like, “No, fill your tank up.”
Lewis Herms: And so, you’re seeing people from all over the country flooding here to help. Is that right?
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #2: Absolutely. This is just a genuine American effort, when it comes to helping our own.
As we had talked before, a We the People thing. We have people from different states. California had a guy flying from Alaska and give us a water purification system.
And when we tested the system on the water, we saw how undrinkable it is, in certain water areas. So, that’s great. We have those set up in the community, now. And it’s a true collaboration.
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Birke: I’m a Western North Carolina native. I’ve been working with this team since last Wednesday. So it’s been about four or five days. I’ve seen folks [from] all over the country, Mississippi, Florida, even as far as Out West and other States, that have been showing up, bringing their efforts and really trying to help us clear out and recover what we can, at this point.
I just know that we’ve got a lot of work to do. This is only scratching the surface. I’ve been out of here four days since I was able to get off of my mountain and make it to where we’re at here doing these search and recovery efforts. And from what I can tell, we’re, we’ve got a lot more work to do, just to find these people.
Lewis Herms: We thank you so much for what you’re doing. Thank you. I mean, the community that’s been born out of this has been beautiful.
Rescue-Relief Volunteer, Rachel: You know, we were making something out of this, out of the tragedy. And to see people come together from all over to come to where I live, to my home is wonderful. And I’m so glad that everybody, all of you guys are out here.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Volunteer from Hatch Local: Well, I would say if it wasn’t for the community coming together and not just people in the immediate community, there’s people from all sorts of States, coming in to try to help-out. And if we didn’t have that, who knows where we’d be today? You know, feel like the day after.
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #1: One positive thing throughout all of this is that this is a very big factor of the American Spirit. Is in terms of need, we step up, 100%. Every single person is capable of it.
And the people who can’t get away from their jobs, who live halfway across the country, donating to the people who have jumped in their cars and just want to help. They have no idea what they’re doing, but they’re just out here to help.
Kind of reminds me being a kid on September 12th, 2001, honestly, watching these people just jump straight into action because it’s out here in our area. It’s been straight up volunteers, mainly EMS, fire, military and law enforcement. Veterans are out here doing the work and making things happen.
Lewis Herms: If there’s anything that you can let We the People know, what would it be?
Unnamed Rescue-Relief Operator #1: The American Spirit can’t be broken. We’re all out here for each other. We’ll always continue to be out here for each other.
And moving forward, I think we should all be a little more patient and understanding with one another and where we’re coming from. Because when things actually get down to it, nobody hates their neighbor. We’re all here. We’re all in the same place. We all want what’s best for one another. And that fact has never shown truer than with this event.
Lewis Herms: The beautiful revelation that we experienced was that the Light was shining through the Darkness and Americans from every state put aside their ideological differences to show up and take care of business. This is a microcosm of what the future holds.
(Roll music “Proud To Be an American and film credits)
And I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. Cause there ain’t no doubt in the love we send. God bless the U.S.A. God bless this country. And I’m proud to be an American.
When I’m released, I know I’m free. And I won’t be afraid. I won’t forget the men who died.
Who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.
God bless the U.S.A. God bless this country.
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