So They TELL Us Free Energy Is FAKE Until They Do It🤦🏼‍♂️🤣/ Nikola Tesla Design⚡️🔋⚡️

1 month ago

So I wonder if they’re going to stop telling us we are crazy now
Especially me
I make these things I just don’t put them up there
They work
But people call me crazy and I don’t really particularly want to have people knocking on my door asking me questions so I don’t
Because theoretically, I could always be lying, right? 😏

Anyway, they said we were crazy but here they are they made it off of Teslas design and look at that voilà it works

Question everything
And never stop trying don’t believe what they say. They are saying it for a reason.


#FreeEnergyGenerator #TeslaDesign #NikolaTesla #TeslaGenerator #Magnetism #Aether #TheFifthElement

They literally even told you about it in the fifth element
It’s not a human it’s the Aether

#Aether #Magnetism #Atmosphere #EnergyCollection #Spires #Batteries #LiteralDirectCurrent #EverlastingEnergy #FreeElectricity #Physics #QuantumPhysics
#Metaphysics #News #Trending #Viral #Trend #conspiracies #Truth #ChristianGospel #podcast #politics #redtape #share

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