They Can't Go Where You're Going! God is Removing Every Toxic Person!

30 days ago

It's finally time to let go of that narcissistic friend or family member who's been secretly praying of your downfall. Love them from a distance if you have to, keep them in your prayers. But the reality is God has been trying to get you to go in another direction and your life is not gonna seem right until you listen to the voice of God, recalibrate you spiritual compass and be led by the lamp of the Word of God. It's time to identify the people in your life that are creating obstructions and roadblocks on your spiritual walk because your life won't be blessed until you do.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. God wants to show you everything about your life. Ask Him, believe He wants to show you because He does, and watch Him answer every question and concern you have. Sometimes it requires patience and waiting but He does show up 100% of the time. Ask him to show you what about your life isn't right. Expect an answer because it's on the way. He wants you to ask Him, He wants you to talk to him. He wants to shift everything in your favor and he wants to give you breakthrough. A lot of demons are out here camouflage, disguised as your best friend and you have no idea who they actually are.

Society has made deception an art and real ones are targeted because you are a threat to people's very way of life. Your presence blows the lid off the whole charade and you can't help it. The darkness cannot comprehend the light and there are certain people attached to areas of your life that are dedicated to misunderstanding you and it will always be that way. You feel like you have to plead your case and prove to them that you're a righteous person and you have to tell them everything you know. But real recognize real and spirit recognize spirit. The people that are sent to you by God, you're not gonna have to convince them or prove to them anything. They will see you for who you really are. People are gonna think whatever they want about you regardless of how many times you prove them wrong. They don't want to believe the truth about you because it challenges the matrix they're trapped in. When you have these people around you harboring these energies towards you, it's holding you back and it's pulling you down. That's why Jesus always retreated to an isolated to pray and get into deep levels with God.

You have to retreat from these people so God can fill you up completely and get you along your way of where you need to go. If you constantly have people depleting you, your journey is going to be fragmented. If you keep taking heed to seducing spirits, you're gonna be distracted and forget what your path is. There are people praying on your downfall because they know they were destined to fail and when people are living in hopelessness the last thing they want to see is you have hope. It literally makes them sick because their demons glitch out. Some of these people around you want nothing to do with the truth and hate you because you have so graciously received the truth with an open heart and have allowed yourself to be transformed into something they never wanted you to be. Your parents and friend wanted you to be what they wanted you to be to feed into them and benefit your lifestyle. Now that you're living for God and not for them, they can't stand you.

Some people will literally be praying to God that you get taken out while they're thinking they're doing the Lord's work. People have some sick twisted ideologies and doctrines of demons that they believe in, like you would have no idea. When you have these toxic people in your life whether they act like they're explicitly your enemy or not, God will reveal them and when He does, don't second guess what He's showing you or make excuses for them. This revealing is happening for a reason and most people can't go where you're going.

This demonic systematic control grid is set up to prevent you from elevating a too high a level and when they see that you're reaching a certain type of raised frequency, that's when the parasites, leeches, narcissists, and agents are commissioned to ambush you and knock you back down to a level where you can be most easily tamed, controlled and manipulated. Because you have the Good news, the gospel on the inside of you and you are the largest threat to the beast system, so when you rise up to such a high level, these devils panic and they will send a blitzkrieg of demons against you. But when you step into that authority and you do it for good, you will stomp on every one of their necks and you will do it consistently until they flee. The remnant is being taken to that level and I hope you're getting yourself prepared spiritually for what God is about to do.

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