Dealer Reveals Gold Silver Ratio "Trick" All Stackers Should Know

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In this video I talk to a bullion dealer about the gold silver ratio and how to profit from the gold silver ratio 2025. Will there be a good time to trade silver for gold in 2025? I am hoping to play the gold silver ratio in the future. I believe that silver is a much better buy than gold right now. Silver seems undervalued as the recent gold silver ratio average over the last 50 years is around 60:1 and the GSR is currently about 85:1. In 2011 we saw the gold silver ratio hit a low of 32:1 and in 1979 we saw the gold silver ratio hit a low of 15:1. Will the gold silver ratio get that low again? I believe that there will be a good time to trade silver for gold in the future and that is one of the reasons that I am still stacking silver today. I think that it will be possible to increase my stack without the introduction of more capital by simply playing the gold silver ratio.

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