Dog Makes A Huge Mess Then Tries To Look Cute

6 years ago

Dogs are such wonderful beings and we love them to absolute bits, that’s unquestionable. However, our canine friends are well known for causing us so much trouble sometimes. Let’s take the little do from this video as an example. If you are a dog owner, you’ll be able to relate to this woman’s struggle. And if you are not, you are in for a good laugh. As the clip begins, you are presented with a scene of a guilty-looking dog. He’s made a mess, and his owner is really not happy about that. And you are about to find out why. The woman walks around her house and shows the massive destruction that her guilty looking dog caused. The living room is covered with tissue paper. And what does the dog do to apologize? Well, he does what dog do best. He rolls on his back with a tube around his neck and tries to look cute. Totally hilarious!

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